Which producer had the idea of bringing Rupert Wingfield- Hays’s outrageous report about a five month old story to us today? I thought I was hearing a skit from Caroline Glick’s satirical show Latma. The real story in this item is that fanatical, smug, well-off greenies who want the indulgence of owning cars that do inferior mileage and are hobbled by having to be off the road for hours at a time while they are re-charged, are being handed £43m of our cash in subsidies. Think how many old people that would help keep warm. The second seam of utter nonsense in the so-called story is that a Cleggeron called Hammond spouts platitudes that we can have "convenience without carbon". Eh? What planet does he live on? These are cars that the public have shown that they absolutely do not want; the only "convenience" is that we have a government of nutcases who are providing a jacuzzi of cash to support the nonsense. As usual, the BBC reports the whole scam as though it's a major breakthrough.
Serious or Satire?
He even managed to include a donkey in his pathetic report.
Wingfield- Hays resurrected the incident which has been spinned every which way to show either a) the brutality of Israeli
settlersillegalunderinternationallawthoughIsraeldisputesthis, or b) the deliberate and callous exploitation of Palestinian children and a prearranged, orchestrated publicity stunt.
If anyone doesn’t know what happened in Silwan, it’s here.
Rupert set out the incident in the emotive partisan way we've learned to expect, then turns to a child for pathos, to Micky Rosenfield for balance, and for the last word, to a spokeswoman from the generation of antiestablishment human rights activists who take for granted their freedom to criticise their country, having forgotten altogether the struggle that their forebears endured, the very thing that enables them to express it.CAR CRASH
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
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Britannia Radio