I have been in London over the past few days and just happened to be in Oxford Street/Regent St at the moment when those students protesting against Tuition Fees demonstrated the substance of their case by....smashing in windows, spraying graffiti on private property, emptying bins of rubbish across Oxford Street etc. The attack on Prince Charles/Camilla had just taken place a few moments beforehand. I was talking to some of the Officers on duty as they sought to contain the violence and my only criticism of them was that they were fat too constrained. Well, the Religion of Peace strikes again, this time in Stockholm. I notice that the BBC is quick to play UP the "terrorist" angle whilst being careful to play down the Islamic one. It must gut them when it is clear that this vicious act of cruel terror WAS carried out by Islamists proud of their hatred of all things Western. It's going to be tough for the BBC to hang the motivations of this one of "British Foreign Policy" but then again I suppose those wicked Swedes DID allow the publication of caricatures of Mighty Mo? The BBC does everything possible to try and downplay the motivation behind Islamic terrorism, namely Islam. Shame on them for their craven spinelessness. Good to see the BBC affording Ferne Brittan paying gushing tribute to Rev Jesse Jackson on her Sunday morning programme. Brittan takes sycophancy to a whole new level treating this monstrouus clown as if he were a Martin Luther King. Brittan also salivated over Obama (I'm guessing she is closing her eyes to what is happening to HIS popularity at the moment) I remember being berated when I appeared on the BBC and referring to Jackson (and Sharpton) as race-baiters and shakedown merchants . I believe I was right to do this but when one listens to the sanctification of Jackson care of Brittan, I understand that the BBC has a biased view of this man and only their perspective can prevail. I don't know culture secretary Jeremy Hunt. But I do know something of his views, courtesy of the Observer, today; and what is increasingly clear is that he talks utter nonsense. This, for example, is his considered pronouncement about the BBC: STUDENT GRANT RIOTS...UPFRONT
>> SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2010
However, I then arrived home last evening and turned on the BBC (I know, yes, that was just asking for more trouble) and listened to a BBC interviewer doing everything possible to suggest that the Police had over-reacted and that the Students had been provoked into "responding." What a disgrace that the National Broadcaster is little more than a mouthpiece for left wing thuggery!
Of course those of us old enough will remember how the BBC covered the poll tax riots and the Miners Strike riots and indeed every other occasion when the left has demonstrated muscle against the State. The State Broadcaster has always supported militant action against the State when a Conservative government is in power and I suggest to you that we are now living in 1979 all over again with the BBC as the propagandist in chief for those who want to being the Coalition down and reinstall a Labour government. Your thoughts?STOCKHOLM SYNDROME
"It is one of our crown jewels," he says. "It produces fantastic TV programmes." And it has "probably the most respected news service in the world".
Despite such vomit-inducing sycophancy, he can force himself to offer a few words of criticism about the great corporation that swallows £3.5bn of our cash a year. Although even then, he is mealy-mouthed: "I think if you were to discover how people vote at the BBC there are probably more ho vote Labour or Liberal Democrat than vote for the Conservatives.. (but)"their commitment to independent journalism comes before any political affiliation".
and this: "I think the BBC does recognise that on certain very totemic issues of the last decade it was out of step with where the public are, whether it was on Europe, on immigration or our approach to Northern Ireland."
So let's get this straight. We supposedly have a reformist government of the right and all it can muster by way of criticism of the BBC is vaguenamby-pamby platitudes about left-wing bias in the past and a vague stab at clairvoyance in guessing that some BBC staff might not vote Conservative. Oh, my word, quelle horreur!
The reality is that systematic evidence is available that over the past decade, the BBC newsgathering operation has been fanatically biased on issues such as the British history, the EU, climate change, coverage of Islam and Israel - and much more. Biased-BBC has chronicled much of it, and I know of at least 20 in-depth reports that are publicly available, including one commissioned by the Conservative party itself. There are none so blind as those who don't want to see. The Tories could do something if they wanted, but the will is clearly lacking...and instead, it looks like we might end up with Blair crony Jonathan Powell as new chair of the BBC Trust. I increasingly agree with James Delingpole that despite all the bluster, this government is indistinguishable from that of Brown and Blair. We have a ruling class that is totally out of touch with reality.
Sunday, 12 December 2010
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Britannia Radio