But the UK has also become the global hub, outside the Arab and Muslim world itself, of Muslim radicalisation. The two phenomena are, of course, symbiotically connected. And what Rosen shows is how the radicalisation of British Muslims – an issue of the greatest possible concern in Britain -- is not just the result of extremist Muslim preachers and the like. It has also been actively pushed by the far left. It has often been remarked upon with surprise that in Britain, the supposedly ‘antifascist’ left marches shoulder to shoulder against Israel and America... But who is to blame? Step forward the dopey, inefficient BAA (the former British Airports Authority) who own Heathrow. The real scandal is that despite Heathrow’s economic and strategic importance to Britain, the Government is virtually powerless to do anything because the Authority is owned by a foreign company. And it is a scandal that goes back to 2006, when the Labour government stood idly by while a little-known, family-controlled Spanish construction group called Ferrovial was allowed to buy all of Britain’s airports at the knockdownThursday, 23rd December 2010
The jihad of the British Left
A new and authoritative report by Ehud Rosenhas just been published by the Jerusalem Institute for Public Affairs, which maps the forces behind the campaign of demonisation and delegitimisation of Israel and shows how the UK has become the global hub of such bigotry.Wednesday, 22nd December 2010
A nation that's going nowhere
My Daily Mail colleague, the excellent city editor Alex Brummer, makes the key point today about the Heathrow fiasco in which Europe’s largest airport has been turned into something akin to a third-world refugee camp with thousands of passengers trapped for days in an airport all but paralysed by snow. He writes:
Thursday, 23 December 2010
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Britannia Radio