1. How on earth could U.S. Army Private First Class Bradley Manning download tens of thousands of diplomatic cables to a CD-RW disc at an Army outpost in Iraq from November 2009 to April 2010--breaking 18 U.S. Code Section 1030(a)(1), which criminalizes unauthorized computer downloads--in order to pass the electronic records on to the anti-American, Internet-based anarchist Julian Assange and his WikiLeaks website?
2. How on earth could U.S. Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the Fort Hood shooter, kill 13 of his comrades and wound 30 others, after making his Islamist views known in PowerPoint presentations and conversations and exchanging emails with American-born, Al Qaeda Imam Anwar al-Awlaki, asking for spiritual guidance regarding violence?
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 10:05 PM 
Click here to read John Carney's piece on Chinese price controls. An excerpt:
When the Federal Reserve in the United States tries to ease our economic slump through quantitative easing, we hear cavils about debasing the money supply and distorting the economy. But when the Chinese government, which has inflated its money supply far faster than the US, endorses price controls on consumer goods to tame inflation it gets praised for its action.
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 4:18 PM 

North Korea may be hiding more nuclear sites with potential military uses, according to U.S. officials.
U.S. envoy to the International Atomic Energy Agency Glyn Davies said Thursday there is a "clear likelihood" that North Korea has built other uranium enrichment-related facilities in its territory. He addressed a meeting of the IAEA's board of governors in Vienna.
Davies said Washington believes North Korea began pursuing uranium enrichment long before April 2009, when Pyongyang claims its latest project started.
North Korea said earlier this week that it has an enrichment facility with thousands of working centrifuges capable of producing fuel for a light water reactor currently under construction. Pyongyang said the facilities are designed for the peaceful generation of energy.
Enrichment could also give North Korea an alternative means to produce nuclear weapons in addition to its known plutonium-based weapons program.
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 3:16 PM 

The WikiLeaked cables show that while U.S. President Barack Obama was praising Turkey's crypto-Islamist, Iran-tilting government, U.S. diplomats were secretly casting doubts on the reliability of the NATO ally, portraying it as increasingly--and perhaps irreversibly--dominated by dedicated Islamists.
Which is true ... but irrelevant in the eyes of the Islamist-appeasing White House. Obama sees Turkey as an emerging model of oxymoronic moderate Islamism. Incredibly, the leader of what is still the world's greatest democracy and what used to be called the Free World believes that there is a ... progressive ... dimension to right-wing political Islam, or Islamism, and, moreover, that the Islamist movement and ideology--and the Islamic faith on which the clerical fascist creed is based and with which organized Islam has in recent years (for good reason) become synonymous--can be manipulated, managed, and influenced in order (a) to contain resurgent Russia and rising China, and (b) to safeguard and secure preferential access to the strategically vital energy resources of the Persian Gulf and Central Asia. Hence, Obama's odious outreach to "the Muslim world"--a supposed global entity, transcending all national, political, and ethnic boundaries, which he has effectively elevated to the level of a superpower.
Turkey is a key to Obama's Grand Strategy. Turkey has a mighty military, which has traditionally served as the guardian of the country's secular system. But the men in uniform--the party that used to matter most in Turkey--have been blocked by both the Bush and Obama administrations from saving the nation from creeping fundamentalism. Even worse, Islamists have infiltrated the military.
Still worse, the Islamists seem to be co-opting traditional Turkish nationalism (and ultra-nationalism--the folks that in 2005 helped to make Hitler's Mein Kampf a bestseller in Turkey). As if impressed by the ways in which Shiite and Sunni radical Muslims seem to have bridged their theological divide to confront the West, Turkey's Islamists and nationalists appear to be overcoming their ideological differences to a degree that only a few years ago would have been unthinkable.
Recall the Ottoman Empire, against which Arabs ... and a handful of brave and visionary Zionists (Google Sarah Aaronson and NILI) ... rebelled. Turkey was a successful imperial power for several centuries; and the imperialist tendency persists. An Islamist, neo-Ottoman empire could emerge ... with Washington's blessing.
Recall, too, that China has a huge problem in East Turkestan, where a restive Muslim majority, the increasingly Islamist-leaning, pro-separatist Uighurs, share a common ancestry with the Turks of Turkey. Seeking to strengthen ties with Beijing, Ankara has switched from accusing China of "genocide" against the Uighurs (Turkey talking about genocide!) to basically pressing for cultural autonomy for the Turkic ethnic group--while also expressing support for China's territorial integrity. Beijing is happy with the new line, unlike Washington, which had hoped to use Turkish Islamism--and pan-Turkic nationalism--as weapons against China.
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 9:13 AM 

So much for Obama's appeasement and "Muslim world" outreach. Turns out, as China Confidential and other analysts have suggested, there is still an Arab world, and it is scared stiff by the prospect of a nuclear-armed imperialist Iranian regime--a monstrous mullahocracy that is openly dedicated to overthrowing the entire world order (in concert with its ironically atheist, Stalinist/Kimist partner in proliferation, North Korea, Islamist proxies Hamas and Hezbollah, and Communistic South American ally, Hugo Chavez).
Click here to read about the actual Arab position, which vindicates Israel.
The disclosures should also bury the topsy-turvy linkage argument that a peace pact between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (and Hamas also, according to Israel-bashers like Jimmy Carter) must precede serious action on Iran. The opposite is true: the road to peace in the Middle East runs through Iran, alright; but the Islamist regime must first be removed in order to reach the desired destination. Ending the Iranian threat--really ending it--means the end of Hamas and Hezbollah, which makes all good things possible in the region.
Finally, the massive document dump also puts to rest the rumor that President Obama is a Saudi puppet or plant. In spite of his appalling bow to the country's monarch, Obama has behaved more like a tool of powerful political and economic elites that seek to use and manipulate radical Islam (except for Al Qaeda and so-called irreconcilable elements of the Taliban). More than nine years after the horrific blowback of 9/11, this gang of geo-strategic geniuses, led by former Carter Administration National Security Advisor Zbignew Brzezinski (architect of America's betrayal of Iran's Shah and secret intervention in Afghanistan on the side of jihadists) still believes that it is possible to ride the Islamist tiger without being eaten by it.
Which largely explains Obama's historic address to the Muslim world (an inherently Islamist concept) instead of to the Arab world, his embrace of non-Arab Turkey's, pro-Iran, Islamist government ... and his policy of appeasing ... and attempting to actually align with ... the missile-mad mullahs in Iran ... in a Great Game-like Grand Bargain aimed at pacifying Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The bottom line: when it comes to the all-important Iran issue, the Gulf states and Egypt and Jordan are surprisingly in sync with Israel and could care less about the views of Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Turkey ... and the editorial boards of The New York Times and The Washington Post.

POSTSCRIPT: Perhaps Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah or one of his aides is a secret admirer of China Confidential. We have readers in Riyadh; and a year ago, yesterday, analyst Arnis R. Putrenieks used the "cut off the head of the snake" phrase in the Iran nuclear context--specifically, a prescient piece proposing an "internal strike," using computer software and other surgical means, to neutralize suspect sites. This reporter has also referred to the Iranian regime as a venomous snake, arguing that any military action must result in killing and not merely wounding the menacing foe--i.e. wiping out the regime's war-making and retaliatory capabilities and ending the regime itself.
"See, I will send venomous snakes among you,
vipers that cannot be charmed,
and they will bite you," declares the Lord.
~Jeremiah 8:17
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 8:19 AM