Thursday, 16 December 2010

Tony Blair’s Ex-Roommate Shut Down Inquest into Death of David Kelly: Report

'In September, a group of medical practitioners sent a letter to Attorney General Dominic Grieve, calling for a full inquiry to be held.

That letter, published by the Daily Mail on Monday, argues that the Hutton inquiry was shut down prematurely -- less than two weeks after the investigation was called -- and was done so on the orders of Charles Falconer, at the time Britain's Lord Chancellor, the Cabinet secretary responsible for the courts.

As the Daily Mail notes, Falconer was once a roommate of Tony Blair, the British prime minister whose push to launch the war in Iraq was dealt a public blow when Kelly told the BBC that Blair's government had exaggerated the threat posed by Saddam Hussein.'

Read more: Tony Blair’s Ex-Roommate Shut Down Inquest into Death of David Kelly: Report