National Inflation Association Great Chinese State Circus - Swan Lake BBC now admits al qaeda never existed Preserving the EU project at any cost Tom Woods on the Coming Collapse UFOs - Watch the Skies - Alien Agenda US National Anthem by the Academy Choirs "Marxism in America" by Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. Boykin - OAK Congressman Paul discusses the Fed and the future with David Asman 6 NOVEMBER 2010/FALSE FLAG ATTACK POSSIBLY PREDICTED An Environmental Professional Speaks Out on Fluoridation The Dark Side of 'Smart' Meters Congressman Ron Paul Talks with Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson on the Dollar Ron Paul - US Heading for Soviet-Style Economic Collapse (Oct-2010)(NWO ECONOMICS series) DON'T TRAVEL IN AMERICA--IT'S TOO DANGEROUS 7-19-2010 SHOCKING DOCUMENTARY 1- False spirits invade the church - KUNDALINI WARNING - Andrew Strom -Part 1 LA Times Fails To Report Judicial Crimes President Obama's Aunt Zeituni Onyango 'This Country Is Owned By Almighty God' Rollover 1981... world economic collapse Fraud Factories: Rep. Alan Grayson Explains the Foreclosure Fraud Crisis Proud Socialists March at Left-Wing Protest in DC Witnesses in Defense Dept. Report Suggest Cover-Up of 9/11 Findings Howard Stern Interviews Jesse Ventura Richard Fine: His Darkest Moment in the LA County Jail Richard Gage on KMPH Fox 26 in Fresno, CA A Frightening Worldwide Currency Crisis - Rollover Magnificent: A stunning video glorifying God's magnificent creation Rollover 1981... world economic collapse From The Gulf Stream To The Bloodstream - THE VIDEO BP DOESN'T WANT YOU TO SEE! Hillary Clinton accidentally admits that the CFR runs this nation Prevent Gardasil Vaccine Injuries & Deaths Gulf of Tonkin: McNamara admits It didn't happen The Secret Agenda of Tax Exempt Foundations Rhema Marvanne - 'Amazing Grace' Different Presidents, A Different Corps FLUORIDE TRUTH hits the TV in AUSTRALIA Is Barack Obama Really A Saudi / Muslim "Plant" in the White House? The Deadly Neurotoxin Nearly EVERYONE Uses Daily… In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism Susheela interview (August 12, 2008) Evil international bankers are running the World Population Reduction after economic collapse Hilarious Proof of How Bad U.S. Educational System Really Is Hank Paulson Grilled at Congressional Hearing Report: State Agencies Have $4.9 Billion In Ending Fund Balances Steve Wynn Takes On Washington Michelle Obama speaking at the LGBT Delegate (The World as it Should Be) The President Who Told The TRUTH Star Spangled Banner 7 yr old most incredible singer Gulf Oil Disaster: Cause For Mass Evacuation? First Amendment Has been Suspended The Money That Is Sold Abroad Is You! Why does God allow Satan to live? - John Piper Ron Paul: Iran Sanctions = Act of War ARPR - Michael Belkin - The Vaccine Bubble is About to Burst Secrets of CIA (no commercials) Kate Smith introduces God Bless America Max Keiser And Gerald Celente Deconstruct Financial Fraud Jim Rogers: The US Bear Market Is Not Over Channel 2 Investigates U.S. Border Security The Terrorism Industry: This is pretty much how it works CIA Drug Ops Conspiracy (unaired documentary) Seymour Hersh: U.S. troops executing prisoners in Afghanistan ILLUMINATI 2012 SECRETS of RELIGION & EVOLUTION Who Controls The World? Illuminati, Jesuits, Bilderberg, Church, Skull, Religion Council On Foreign Relations Propaganda Former US General Warns of Chemical Attacks Against Israel This Common Beverage Can Spike Brain Damage, Obesity, and Cancer Risk BANKERS LAUGHING ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK Bernanke Admits Printing $1.3 Trillion Out Of Thin Air Ron Paul Chastises at GOP Conference: Conservatives 'Like the Empire' HomeVideo60 Minutes: Politics Videos.President Barack Obama, Part One L.A. Teacher Calls for Mexican Revolt in the U.S. Ron Paul - John F. Kennedy - Martin Luther King Versus Tyranny Mexican Drug Cartel Takes over California Response to President Calderon Soy Prison Press Conference Chicago, Illinois Part 3 BP Approves Test of Ocean Therapy Device - WDSU Milton Friedman - The Free Lunch Myth We Must Take America Back - Steve Vaus - The OFFICIAL music video Michelle admits Barry's home country is Kenya - MAKE THIS VIRAL 1981 Movie Rollover Predicts Today's News SA@TAC - Confused Confederates Ron Paul vs. Ben Bernanke at JEC Hearing 4/14/10 4/12/10 Ron Paul on CNN: State of the GOP LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU SEE FIRE - the flaming inferno is mind control Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation Bill Gates, " Vaccinate to Depopulate": His Logic Explained Freemasonry, The Lost Symbol, & Secrets of 2012: Dr. Horn at Radio Liberty 2009 (Pt 1) European Union Election 2009 - Lib Lab Con UKIP Libertas & BNP The Obama Deception HQ Full length version REALITY REPORT - Patrick Wood Report 3/30/10 OBAMA BOWS in SLOW MOTION, 2 camera angles Did Obama bow to Saudi King Abdullah Greenspan on Schumpeter's "Creative Destruction" The Obama Spin Machine Fights Trial The Dumbest Congressman in Congress, or perhaps a standard? Obama's Civilian Army is now LAW and is Funded MURDERED CPS FIGHTER Nancy Schaefer America will Collapse Jim Rogers,Gerald Celente... (NWO ECONOMICS SERIES/ Destruction Of Nations) Gerald Celente on Happy Hour 16 Mar 2010 Gerald Celente: US-China financial relations in turmoil Know the TRUTH about the Government Health Care Bill H.R.3200 - Key Points IMMUNOCONTRACEPTIVE HIDDEN IN THE FLU VACCINE Hilarious speech fail (Bush & Clinton) (NOT REAL) (Language!) Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura – Secret Societies [EPISODE 5] BOMBSHELL: Evidence Clearly Indicates Staged Attack on Detroit Flight The CIA Doctors: Psychiatry & Mind Control Webster Tarpley on Russia Today Project Camelot interviews Jane Burgermeister World Exclusive: WTC7 Survivor Barry Jennings Account 9/12 Freedom March on Washington DC NATIONAL SECURITY ALERT - SENSITIVE INFORMATION Greta Van Susteren - James Traficant Town Hall Meeting with U.S. Congressman Brian Baird Swine Flu Conference: Planning to take kids from schools & Mass Vaccinations and Quarantines ABC's John Stossel Destroys/Pulverizes/Crushes Obama's anti-American 'Health Care' Plan We The People Stimulus Package NWO and Walter Cronkite the Right Hand of Satan 8/6/2009 Peter Schiff On The Ed Show: An MSNBC Hit Piece On Peter Schiff? We Now Have A Total Gangster Government Alan Grayson: "Which Foreigners Got the Fed's $500,000,000,000?" Bernanke: "I Don't Know." Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine Kennedy Speech Conspiracy Secret Societies Glenn Beck: Government Website Takes Over Your Computer Forever Federal Reserve is a Ponzi scheme, an inside job Kucinich: the Federal Reserve is paying banks NOT to make loans to struggling Americans! ObamaCare Yay Or Nay? The Truth About Canada! Iranian Interior Minister: Western Intelligence Behind Riots And Unrest Richard Gage on KMPH Fox 26 in Fresno, CA Alan Grayson (High Quality Version): Is Anyone Minding the Store at the Federal Reserve? G. Edward Griffin Interview Of Yuri Bezmenov The Risks of Genetically Modified Foods X Files 9/11: Aired in March of 2001 USS Liberty Attack - False Flag US SOLDIERS BEING INJECTED !!! WITH WHAT ??? Is Anyone Minding the Store at the Federal Reserve? Two Trillion Tons - Sung by Joe the Plumber Kucinich to Neel Kashkari...Who are you working for? Congressman Paul on the Recent Swine Flu Scare Mexican Flu Outbreak 2009: SPECIAL REPORT by Dr Leonard Horowitz Janet Napolitano Apologized For "Right Wing Extremists" Assessment An Alarming video every Westerner should see We Must Take America Back - Steve Vaus - The OFFICIAL music video Oath Keepers Orders We Will NOT Obey British Prime Minister Declares ‘The New World Order is Emerging’ Revolutionary YouTube Star Summoned to White House? MONARCH Paper Clip Nazi Programmer The Crisis of Credit Visualized Bernanke Arrogantly Refuses To Disclose Which Banks Took Loans The Real Truth Behind Flu Shots -- And Why So Few People Get the Flu During the Summer The Crash of 2009 Is COMING To YOU!! Why Eliot Spitzer was assassinated "The Most Dangerous Man in America" Prisons and profit motives - Jailing and drugging kids for profit The nature of financial panics Wake up call - How much we really owe Emergency relief down the barrel of a gun Zionist Jews Sacrifice Babies for Satan_Oprah Winfrey EU President-"Global Warming" Being Used As A Vehicle To Suppress Human Freedom FOX NEWS ADMITS~FEMA CAMPS!!! with GLENN BECK!!! Rahm Emanuel: You never want a serious crisis to go to waste NWO:NAU by 2010-CNN Lou Dobbs-Never Aired-Scary!! Wake Up! Six Minutes with the Renegade Economist - Michael Hudson Special... Gov. Bobby Jindal's Republican Response To Obama's Address to Congress; Part 1/2, 02-24-09 Gerald Celente on Glenn Beck 10 Feb 09 Economic Apocalypse !!!!!! Michelle Bachman asks about constitutionality of actions Paying income tax in America is Voluntary Mind Control: America's Secret War THE SEPTEMBER 11 TELEVISION ARCHIVE MIRROR Chairman Tom Price with 1,073-page Non-Stimulus Text NH-Rep.Dan Itse on Alex Jones Tv"Don't Tread On Me!! Rahm Emanuel on the Opportunities of Crisis Rep Don Young Urges Producing American Energy & Opening ANWR Prosecute torture crimes and send Karl Rove to jail PBS: NSA could have prevented 9/11 hijackings Who killed the US street car system? A Low-Budget, 4-Minute Video Makes the Strongest Case I Have Seen for the Magnitude of This Crisis MONEY COMETH & THE ANOINTED MONEY RITUAL ACTION ALERT - STOP FEMA CAMP and GUN CONTROL LEGISLATION NOW! Ron Paul Blasts Secret Government Running Economy NRA: The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Katrina 2009 will be the year of Total decline for US Jim Rogers Exposure to true information does not matter anymore Obama Supporter Waves Communist Flag at Victory Celebration The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America Conspiracy Files - Oklahoma City Bombing (2007) Geithner Blames Turbo Tax For His Tax Troubles Explosive Video Reich, Obamas economic advisor no "White Male Construction Workers" Did Bush’s Terrorist Surveillance Program Really Focus on American Journalists? Oklahoma State Medical Examiner Speaking Out Against Clinton-reno Justice Department A Few Trillion Here, A Trillion Few There Ron Paul: Israel created Hamas Fareed Zakaria: Former ISI Head In Pakistan Says 911 Was An Inside Job Monarch Chapter 5C False Memory Syndrome Foundation & SRA FEMA Coffin Round Up Get Ready to Die 500.000+ Illuminati: The Hidden Agenda for World Government Why the U.S. Economy is Going to Get Much Worse Ron Paul: Republican brand is 'in big trouble' Obama's Loss Traced To "Undefined" What a real financial collapse looks like Jim Rogers: They unleashing inflationary holocaust Palin's Baffling CBS Interview GET THIS VIDEO OUT TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW Benazir Bhutto: Bin Laden was Murdered Sounds Like Insider Trading To Me! Rep Kaptur Let's Play "WALLSTREET BAILOUT" The Rules Are... Rep Kaptur Rep. Brad Sherman on The Alex Jones Show "Martial Law Threat" Obama Connection To Capitol Bomber William Ayers Topic Of New Ad The REAL REASON For The Bailout We Are Under Martial Law! As Declared By The Speaker Last Night! Rep Burgess Interview with LBJ's mistress on JFK assassination - Alex Jones G. Edward Griffin on the Federal Reserve System Max Keiser - Special Liquidity Schemes, Gold and the Dollar Detention camp Setup for DNC Protestors and Mass Arrests Obama New World Order Speech in Berlin hailed by SKY News David Wilkerson On Weird Manifestations Rep Don Young Urges Producing American Energy & Opening ANWR McCain's YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare Bridging Heaven & Earth: Maitreya Sustainable Development A Sinister Hidden Agenda for The World CNN Interview With Ret. Col. Sam Gardiner Iran War Underway A letter to the Editor from a Cuban American Mason - Shriner claims to be Lucifer Brzezinski on CFR, Bilderberg, and Trilateral Commission Ron Paul *OUR EMPIRE IS COMING DOWN!* RON PAUL blasts FEDERAL RESERVE CHAIRMAN BERNANKE MUST SEE!! BAYER SPREADS AIDS HIV SEX Hemopheliac medicine children Ron Paul Lectures Bernanke: U.S. Moving Towards Fascism DVDs For Delegates to Elect Ron Paul Dennis Kucinich on the Alex Jones Show: Impeachment Time George Bush: War Criminal, It's not a wild theory any more Military Coverup Of Deadly Vaccinations Todd Bentley Devil From HELL!!! Ron Paul Announces Jesse Ventura and Rockie Lynne! The Scott Loper Story: In His Own Words 26,000 Pastors for Martial Law Continuity of Government Ron Paul Discusses the Mortgage Crisis on Glenn Beck Ron Paul on Kudlow and Company, 07/16/08 Part 1 Ron Paul on Fox Business News 7/16/08 Sen. Bunning Questions Wisdom of Fannie-Freddie Buyout Rep Jim Guest Puts A Human Face on REAL ID Environmental Hysteria Exemplified "Banning Water" (caution: adult language) Ron Paul on the Alex Jones Show:"We Must Press on" pt2 News report spoof about diebold voting results. Ron Paul at Gen. Petraeus Iraq Hearings Explosion jets moving up and down all three towers 9/11 Important Information About Energy Saver Light Bulbs! Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 Fraud Pat Buchanan believes World War II was the easiest war to avoid in all of history. Ron Paul on Iran & Energy (C-SPAN 6/26) HR 6304 - A Bill to Abolish the 4th AmendmentVideos Around the Web
Friday, 17 December 2010
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Britannia Radio