Thursday, 16 December 2010

WINSTON MID EAST ANALYSIS & COMMENTARY December 12, 2010 Email: Please disseminate & re-post. If you publish, send us a copy. Many of our articles appear in;; Outgoing mail is virus-checked.
By Emanuel A. Winston,
Freeman Center Mid East Analyst & Commentator

Perhaps it would be best to start in the era when Josef Goebbels enlisted a willing European Media to demonize the Jewish people in order to justify their elimination. If Jews then were like Muslims or Christians for that matter, they would have spent the time on planning and carrying out assassinations of Goebbels and others of Adolph Hitler’s murderous clique of killers.
If Jews had that killer instinct, they would have burned down the Nazi Media outlets and assassinated the reporters and publishers who carried the word that killing Jews was a necessary, even noble, act to advance what they considered to be a higher civilization.
It is now 2010/2011 where many in the World Media have taken to the field of war against the Jewish Nation/State of Israel. While Israel has fought back valiantly against Muslims pledged to decimate the Jewish Nation/State in 7 wars and unremitting Terror by fire, bombs, bullets, explosive belts, knives and even axes, nevertheless, Jews have won and survived – even at great loss of our people: husbands, wives, unborn babies, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters! Nevertheless, Jews don’t think in terms of wiping out the Muslim/Arab civilizations. Perhaps, as a matter of survival, Jews should adopt the ways of Muslims and their allies?! Perhaps not.
Jews are valiant warriors but, if Jews were like Arab Islamists, determined to eliminate a massive enemy of some Billions who are pledged to Jewish Genocide then the Jews would use their alleged advanced weapons of war to defeat and wipe them out. But, Jews are NOT Muslims. Nor are they like the followers of the Christian Church from its earliest times pledged in theology and practice to please a long-dead Jewish rabbi, borrowed from the Jewish people as their lord, and to kill or convert the Jews of his family lineage.
Sadly, there are Jews who have turned against their own people and discarded our national memories of accepting the Covenant given to us by G-d for eternity and accepted by the Jewish people for eternity. They go by different names, titles, descriptions but, these are the same Erev Rav who attached themselves to Moses when he brought the Jewish people out their enslavement in Egypt. These Erev Rav worked from the inside to bring all Jews back to the pagan worship of Egypt and other gods.
Sometimes we call them Court Jews; sometimes Leftists; and often Left Liberal Journalists or Professors but, in the end, they are all the same – desperate for acceptance and love by the Gentile communities of the world. But, first they must prove their loyalty to those pledged to kill us.
Jews generally want to solve their problems by “having a discussion”, “a meeting”, a “Committee decision”. They believe that reasonable words and offers of compromise will pacify a dedicated enemy. That being ‘reasonable’, all enemies will also be ‘reasonable’. That may work among themselves but, when Muslims are dealing with Jews, there is no ‘reasonable discussion, only an opportunity to trick, mislead and adopt Mohammed’s “Hudna” (temporary peace), wherein IF you are weak as a Muslim, you make fake treaties until you are stronger and then attack your enemy.
We have seen this in practice over the centuries but, few have played it so well as the Iranians as they build their Nuclear Weapons while they agree to more meetings to discuss – which only gives them more time to complete their declared plans to “wipe Israel off the map”.
This is exactly according to Mohammed’s earliest teachings when he made the Hudabaiya Treaty, a 10 year peace treaty with the Jewish Koreish tribe in Medina. But, when Mohammed was sufficiently strong militarily, he returned in 2 years, slaughtered the men of the Koreish tribe by beheading them, and then sold the women and children into slavery. This was Mohammed’s lesson to Muslims, establishing the “temporary peace” practice called: “Hudna”.
Today the Islamists (radical Muslims dedicated to winning by murder) have recruited the Christian nations of Europe to find a way to eliminate the Jews from a virtual speck of land where the Jews were to find refuge from Christians and Muslims in order to build a Jewish homeland – according to the San Remo Agreement of 1920 which was never abrogated and is still legally in force.
Muslims and Christians displayed a killing rage against Jewish messengers who brought the world G-d’s message as to how humans were to live and conduct themselves. The Jews completed part of their commitment by becoming a “Light Unto The Nations”. The Nations did change a bit from their pagan worship of a panoply of gods but, they never forgave the messenger for bringing them a cosmological, universal doctrine of restraint as in the Torah.
The Christians and Muslims hated the restraint and, above all, they hated a One G-d who interfered with their priest cults, the privileges they bestowed upon themselves and the priests’ blood cults with which they practiced their pagan rituals of child sacrifice, etc.
So, they made new gods with bits and pieces of the One G-d of the Jews but, they kept a great deal of their pagan worship and former gods, denials notwithstanding.
Clearly, if they were to claim superiority and the right to claim G-d’s Covenant for themselves, then they must eliminate the Jewish people and the Jewish Nation/State of Israel.
Wherever a Jew has stepped and built a civilization, the Muslims and many Christians believe they must be eliminated and a Mosque or Church built over their Jewish holy sites, eradicating any and all presence of the Jewish people. Jews must be converted to the challenging religion so the history of the Jews from Adam and Eve, Abraham, Moses and all the ancient Prophets can be absorbed whole, making the new religions the “rightful heirs” to G-d’s Covenant, at least according to their theology.

Once the Jew is absorbed and virtually disappears, then his national memory can be inserted into the worship ritual of later formed religious. Not surprisingly, the Muslims already say that Abraham was born a Muslim while Moses and David appear in well-carved statues in Rome – along with masterful paintings in cathedrals of the Prophets. Trapped in stone and painting, surely G-d must belong to the “new claimants”, or so they believe.
Now all they have to do is actually find the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, present their claim of superiority and receive a deed from the Hand of G-d, carved in Stone Tablets as G-d gave Moses on Mount Sinai.
But, until then they will have to make do with statues, paintings and manuscripts produced in the scriptoriums by scribbling monks, given free rein to exercise their imaginations as to who G-d blessed as His servants. If imagination was the criteria, then the Muslims and their self-appointed clerics exceed all others. The Muslims, too, borrowed from all other religions to assemble the Koran, replete with many anti-Semitic commands to kill Jews. Islam is also full of fables, like the “story” about the magic horse el-Buraq (Barak). After Mohammed's death, a myth was created which was rejected by serious Islamic scholars. According to this myth, one night as he slept and in the time it takes a pitcher of water to tip and spill one drop, Mohammed flew on a white horse called el Buraq which had the face and breasts of a woman, the tail of peacock and great wings to the farthest place, al Aqsa, at the edge of Medina. (Al Aqsa in Jerusalem wasn't built until 683 CE, 51 years after the death of Mohammed in 632 CE).

According to the myth, Mohammed leaped skyward to the Seventh Heaven on el Buraq where Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Moses and Jesus blessed him as the last prophet of G-d. Ostensibly Mohammed absorbed the older religions of Judaism (The Root) and Christianity.

This fable has become the basis for Muslims claiming prime ownership of the Temple Mount, with the al-Aksa Mosque taking prime dominance.
Now the Muslims await the Muslim “Mahdi” (messiah) who will appear in a conflagration, possibly Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on his way to Allah’s Courtyard as a “Shahid” (Martyr).

Well, as I started, IF Jews were like Muslims, they wouldn’t wait for their enemies to fulfill their pledges of Genocide.