22 January 2011 9:15 PM
Staffed up like the Chinese army, the Sickness Maintenance Service
This is Peter Hitchens' Mail on Sunday column
Various dogma-driven politicians have pushed the health service this way and that for half a century, and I do not think they have done much good.
We mix up sentiment with argument. Of course our hospitals contain plenty of hard-working and competent people. But they are not, mostly, doing their work for nothing.
While we should be glad that they help us when we are injured, ill or afraid, this is what we hire them to do. We don’t condemn the whole NHS because of one bungle (and there are plenty of those).
So we shouldn’t canonise it because of one good experience.
The worst thing is that it has become a cult. This is because it is the one lonely success that socialists can point to.
They have wrecked the state schools, made a colossal mess of housing, given us one of the worst transport systems in the Western world and corrupted a generation with welfare. But at least medical treatment is free to all at the point of use.
And so it is. And, having actually lived in the USA and experienced the alternative, I am glad of that. But I know from conversations with senior doctors that levels of surgical competence in our hospitals are falling fast, partly because of poorer training and partly because of the effects of EU limits on working time.
Criticism of this kind never makes any impression. This is partly because of the sacred character of the NHS among the socialist-minded people who rule our culture. But it is also because of its true, unmentionable function in politics.
It exists first of all to employ people, and only after that to tend to the sick. That is why it is now the largest employer in the world after the Chinese army and Indian railways.
But it is not in fact a Health Service. It is a Sickness Maintenance Service. Despite all the billions spent and borrowed, we long ago stopped getting healthier.
Much of the original work of the Forties health service involved treating the victims of dangerous, dirty and unhealthy industries, or of slum conditions, which left men and women broken and sick by the time they were in their 60s.
Now, when those industries and such slums have vanished, we are all unhealthy for completely different reasons. We seek ill health in our daily lives, and duly achieve it.
My nearest hospital has to be reached by passing through two concentric rings. The first is that of the smokers, piously barred from the hospital grounds, who are working hard on becoming patients in the cancer and cardiology wards.
And then there are the acres of car park, filled with thousands of the machines which we use to avoid the exercise that would ward off so many of the ills we suffer.
The answer is obvious to me, but David Cameron’s appointment of Sayeeda Warsi to several high positions suggests he wants Britain to drown its past in multiculturalism.
Baroness Warsi’s weird outburst about dinner parties and Islamophobia came only a few days after she made a great fool of herself by unjustly denouncing her own party’s ‘Right wing’ for not working hard enough in the Oldham East and Saddleworth by-election. It will make it difficult for the Tory leader to sack her (could she have thought of this?) without himself being accused of ‘Islamophobia’ by gullible twits.
We’re all quite entitled to distinguish between extreme and moderate Muslims, and to object to Sharia law, to polygamy, to the third-rate legal position of women in Islam and the merciless treatment of those who convert out of the Muslim faith.
This isn’t a ‘phobia’ but a reasoned disagreement about what kind of country we wish to live in.
But I wish even more that some of them would read Patrick and Henry Cockburn’s account in today’s Mail on Sunday’s Section 2 of Henry’s own descent into distressing mental illness. Patrick is one of the finest writers of his generation, a quietly courageous reporter who ventures often into terrifying places and makes no fuss about it.
In honest prose, chilly and clear as spring water, he describes exactly what happens to a family when a clever, happy and engaging child has his reason overthrown. Henry himself bravely gives his own version of events.
I think there is little doubt that cannabis, its easy availability and its false image as a harmless and ‘soft’ substance, are to blame for what happened. It will probably make you cry when you read it. I rather hope it does.
The law believes such people have no right to follow their own morals, except in private. The law also now states that homosexual partnerships are equal to heterosexual marriage, which New Labour tried to pretend was not the case.
Perhaps most importantly, the homosexual couple had their action paid for by us. Britain’s embryonic Thought Police, the Equality and Human Rights Commission, provided the money on your behalf and mine, whether we like it or not.
This is not the end of the revolution we are passing through. By the time it is finished, I will not be allowed to write or say this. Don’t believe me? Wait and see.
21 January 2011 12:11 PM
For the Avoidance of Doubt - a Wicked Lie Squashed Once Again
19 January 2011 1:10 PM
A Reply to Cary, voting analysis, and that stupid 'New Party' for what I hope is the last time
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