Friday, 28 January 2011

70 Trillion Cubic Feet of New Arctic Ice

'Comparing imagery of January arctic sea ice from 2009 to 2011 sourced from the U.S. Navy Polar Ice Prediction System, it appears as though the ice sheet has thickened substantially. That is, the arctic ice during January 2009 compared to January 2010 compared to January 2011, all purposefully compared during the same month of each year.

This observation is looking at ice thickness – not surface area – although some retreat of 1 meter ice can be seen in the Labrador Sea. Up to 500,000 square miles of the arctic sea region may have thickened from approximately 5 feet thick during January 2009 to approximately 10 feet thick during January 2011.'

Read more: 70 Trillion Cubic Feet of New Arctic Ice

Reports of ‘Massacre’ in Suez as Protests in Egypt Move Into Third Day

Anti-government protests in Egypt moved into their third day early Thursday, with unconfirmed reports of police "massacres" of civilians in the port city of Suez.

In Cairo, protesters "played cat and mouse with police" into the early hours of Thursday, Reuters reported. Opposition groups reported on their websites that electronic communications had been cut off in the city center, and parts of the city were experiencing blackouts.'

Read more: Reports of ‘Massacre’ in Suez as Protests in Egypt Move Into Third Day

Dr Wakefield Demands Retraction from BMJ After Documents Prove Innocence From Allegations of Vaccine Autism Data Fraud

'In light of new evidence that has emerged clearing Dr Wakefield of the allegations that he fabricated study data involving MMR vaccines and symptoms of autism, Dr Wakefield is now publicly demanding a retraction from the British Medical Journal and author Brian Deer. Documents just made public reveal that another medical research team which included a senior pathologist independently documented evidence of a possible MMR vaccine - autism link 14 months before Dr Wakefield's paper first appears in The Lancet -- based on several of the same children appearing in Dr Wakefield's study.'

Read more: Dr Wakefield Demands Retraction from BMJ After Documents Prove Innocence From Allegations of Vaccine Autism Data Fraud