Delta House, 175-177 Borough High Street. London SE1 1HR +44(0)207939 9946 From Piers Corbyn +44(0)7958713320 , WeatherAction NEW USA Forecast 12-31 Jan released. BIGGER SNOW deluges than standard forecasts might think Coming 12-14 Jan MUST SEE TWO PART YOUTUBE: Piers Corbyn Returns The Cold Truth of What is to Come in 2011Alex Jones Tv 5 NEW VIDEOS from Piers - Where is weather, Climate and the Climate Change con going? NEW revelations! GREAT POSTING! - The 4th Jan Eclipse and UK VAT rise; Queensland floods; Monster blizzards and supercold USA UK & Europe; and the BBC-Met Office Goebbels-esque pact See news 2011 no01 Piers Corbyn & WeatherAction NewYear Message This winter is the Stalingrad in the Climate War Includes video & key news links over last year or so "This record breaking cruel winter is the Stalingrad of the 'Climate war'. Those who understand this winter will win. This is the winter your grand-children will ask you about." - Piers Corbyn Other recent news (as via twitter)….. Piers Corbyn wins Xmas snow bets UK + Monster blizzard New York & NE/E USA as he predicted. Fox News & ABC interviews Superb piece by Boris Johnson Mayor of London in Telegraph 20-12-10 - The man who repeatedly beats the Met Office at its own game! Piers Corbyn: Sky News Report WeatherAction - We Told You So! December Warnings. 18 Dec Record Cold in N Ireland & massive snow disruption WE TOLD YOU SO says Piers on SKY TV Comment6 As Britain+Europe are deluged in 100 years record snow Piers says WE TOLD YOU SO! See front page of his Dec forecast
Saturday, 8 January 2011
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Britannia Radio