Sunday, 16 January 2011 09:34 'Several tonnes of armour plated metal and roiling engine might not seem the easiest object in the world to make invisible but boffins at BAE Systems believe that they have hit upon a way of rendering the mobile artillery vehicles “invisible”. The new breed of “e-camouflaged” tank boasts electronic ink and sensors which project images upon the outside of the vehicle in sync with its surroundings to flummox our enemies.' Read more: BAE Unveils Stealth Tanks Sunday, 16 January 2011 09:08 'Egypt is feeling the ripple effect from Tunisia already. Egypt’s 85 million people constitute a third of the Arab population. Until Tunisians ousted their autocratic ruler Friday evening after his 23 years in power, Egypt, a regional trendsetter, was seen as the first candidate for regime change by popular uprising in the Arab world. John R. Bradley penned a book in June 2008 predicting a revolution in Egypt. He said the country was slowly disintegrating under the twin pressures of "a ruthless military dictatorship" at home and a flawed Middle East policy in Washington. In his book, 'Inside Egypt: The Land of the Pharaohs on the Brink of a Revolution’, Bradely argued that Egypt was "the most brutal Arab state where torture and corruption are endemic" and it would therefore be "the next domino to fall" to popular anger. The book was banned in Egypt.' Read more: Egypt Is Not Tunisia, Bu Saturday, 15 January 2011 13:46 There is some historical detail about Europe that isn't quite right and he clearly doesn't realise that it is all being coldly manipulated - not least the moves towards a world currency and world central bank - but the economic themes with regard to America are right on. There's a sales pitch at the end, but it is posted for the economic information before that. Saturday, 15 January 2011 11:28 'Do you put dimethylpolysiloxane, an anti-foaming agent made of silicone, in your chicken dishes? How about tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), a chemical preservative so deadly just five grams can kill you? These are just two of the ingredients in a McDonald's Chicken McNugget. Only 50 percent of a McNugget is actually chicken. The other half includes corn derivatives, sugars, leavening agents and completely synthetic ingredients. There's no doubt processed food like that from McDonald's is not part of a healthful diet, and I'm grateful I've never had a chicken McNugget. But many Americans cannot say the same.' Read more: What's in Fast Food? What's in the Non-Chicken Half of the McNugget Saturday, 15 January 2011 10:57 ------------------------------------------------------------ Saturday, 15 January 2011 10:51 Watch the video from 3:40 onwards 'This sounds great, but it's complete baloney. How do we know? Because in SIGTARP's recent report on Extraordinary Financial Assistance Provided to Citi, Geithner admits, in no uncertain terms, that the fabled "resolution authority" will never actually be used and that taxpayer-funded bailouts are still on the table. The report notes: "As Secretary Geithner told SIGTARP, while the Dodd-Frank Act gives the Government 'better tools,' and reduced the risk of failures, '[i]n the future we may have to do exceptional things again' if the shock to the financial system is sufficiently large. Secretary Geithner's candor about the prospect of having to 'do exceptional things again' in such an unknowable future crisis is comendable. At the same time, it underscores a TARP legacy, the moral hazard associated with the continued existence of institutions that remain 'too big to fail.'" ' Read more: BUSTED: Obama Lied About No More Wall Street Bailouts Saturday, 15 January 2011 10:35 'Before I go into this subject in any great depth, I would first like to deal with Sorcha Faal, otherwise known as David Booth of the CIA. David Booth works within the Central Intelligence Agency in COINTELPRO. Other western intelligence agencies known for using COINTELPRO methods include MI5, MI6, GCHQ, and the think-tank, DEMOS. To be quite blunt, all intelligence agencies have their own COINTELPRO departments. She does not exist. There is no “spokesperson” within the GRU named Sorcha Faal. Intelligence agencies rarely make public statements, and when they do, it is always through either someone in the highest echelons of the organisation or a government minister with the correct clearances, and never a mere “spokesperson”. Do leaks ever happen through lesser agents? Yes, but those agents if caught are dealt with very strictly, usually with “Holy Orders” to keep their traps shut. By rights, if “Sorcha Faal” was really working within the GRU, she would have been silenced by now. Permanently.' Read more: Sorcha Faal: Intelligence Briefs or Disinformation? How To Tell the DifferenceIt is just information, make of it what you will.
This is the man from Goldman Sachs who was Treasury Secretary at the time of the 2008 crash who then did what was best for Goldman Sachs at the expense of the people he couldn't give a damn about
The clip is more than 18 months old, but well worth watching to see Henry 'Hank' Paulson powerfully questioned and trying to claim he was 'ethical'. That's a bit like saying Hitler was a man of peace.
... And here is another archive clip that excellently explains how the whole 'bail-out' scam was worked, though it does not understand that it was all manipulated to happen and not a 'mistake' ...
Sunday, 16 January 2011
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Britannia Radio