Monday, 3 January 2011

Breaking News

A letter threatening to blow up a New York City synagogue was discovered the same day as the release of a state report showing that hate crimes against Jews had risen significantly.
Israel was prepared to extend a West Bank construction freeze, but the United States withdrew the idea, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev canceled a planned visit to Israel due to a strike by Israeli Foreign Ministry employees.
Iran has missiles that can reach Israel in 12 minutes, according to cables released by WikiLeaks.
Lawmakers, Jewish leaders and kosher businesses are lobbying New York's new governor, Andrew Cuomo, to restore the state's kosher law-enforcement division.
Dozens of Israeli lawmakers have signed a petition calling for a boycott of Israeli companies that have signed contracts to help build a new Palestinian city.
The personal papers and other materials of Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, a founder of the Jewish Renewal movement, have been given to the University of Colorado.
The Chief Rabbi of Safed, Shmuel Eliyahu, said he would refuse to respond to a police summons for questioning on suspicion of incitement to racism.
Two Arabs from eastern Jerusalem were arrested for planning a terror attack on a soccer stadium in Jerusalem.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised to erect a memorial to those killed in the Carmel forest fire.
Israel's Air Force struck two Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip.
An earthquake measuring 3.6 on the Richter scale was felt throughout northern Israel.
Israeli police arrested 11 activists demonstrating in front of the U.S. ambassador to Israel's home against the death of a Palestinian woman who protested the West Bank security fence.
The Palestine National Orchestra performed for the first time in the Palestinian Authority and in Israel.