Friday, 14 January 2011

David Cameron’s Fundamental By-Election Mistake – Peter Oborne
LibDems Comms Strategy in FullPoliticalScrapbook
The Tory Right Is Like an Old Lover – James Kirkup
Three Lessons From OldhamLiberal Vision
2020 Tax Commission “Meeeting of Minds”Taxpayers’ Alliance
Zombies to Debate from Dusk ’till Dawn – Jim Pickard
Balls Allies Call for Johnson To GoDizzy
Cable Hounded in the HouseDaily Scrapbook
Local Opposition Calls David Miliband a “W***erDaily Mail
Old and Sad Analysis – Survation
Old and Sad Analysis – Peter Kellner
Andonis Turned Down Goverment JobFT
NonDom Levy Lost UK BillionsTelegraph
Downing Street Grid Man OutPR Week
Ed Miliband: Labour Wrong on DeficitGuardian
French PM: Britain Must Integrate Further – Dan Hannan
Andonis: “I Back Gove”Speccie

Friday, 14th January 2011

Warsi's 'nasty party' moment


Sayeeda Warsi’s attack on the ‘right wing’ of the Conservative party has had a predictable impact. There is fury that the party chairman is attacking a section of the party, it is something that a considerable number of Tories will never forgive her for. It is also being pointed out that there were a lot of Tory MPs campaigning in Oldham on Saturday and they came disproportionately from the right of the party.

What to do about Warsi is quite a problem for the Tory high command. She does visibly show how the party has changed but she’s also not very competent. Cameron has already split her role, giving Cameron’s university friend Andrew Feldman a whole bunch of the financial and administrative responsibilities. But as one Tory press adviser said to me just now, ‘you can’t put her on the radio. She’s just a disaster waiting to happen.’