Author Warns Stealth ‘Great Super Cycle’ Will Destroy the Dollar. . . and U.S. Stocks. International Investors Will Become Enormously Rich While U.S Investors Risk Losing Everything
(Find Out How You Should Invest With This FREE Book Offer – A $28 Value) Dear Reader, The United States is insolvent. And a brilliant market analyst and author — David Skarica — has warned that your investments soon could become insolvent, too, unless you act now. Skarica is no ordinary market guru. He has a track record of being accurate time and again on major market moves. For example, he accurately predicted the housing market meltdown, the liquidity crisis, the stock market crash (and the 10-year bear market of the 2000s), and even the recent market rebound of 2009-2010. [He says this is a phantom rally, so beware!] Skarica is no magician. Instead, this Bahamian-based stock expert and author follows in the footsteps of Sir John Templeton, the legendary global investor who understood the power of true contrarian investing outside the shores of the United States. In fact, Skarica's track record has been so remarkable, one of New York's major financial book publishers sought him out to publish his first major work. Now, this work has just been released: The Great Super Cycle: Profit from the Coming Inflation Tidal Wave and the Dollar Devaluation (Wiley).  | As Skarica explains in The Great Super Cycle, predicting market trends is not done by studying trading charts, fancy guesswork, or watching the so-called experts. The key to investment success is to study previous market cycles carefully and understand them thoroughly. These cycles, he writes, have been extremely consistent in offering clear patterns that can be used to predict future market activity. After a great amount of research, Skarica concludes we are living through a “Great Super Cycle,” a powerful market trend that lasts 15 to 20 years. |  | Skarica says we have 5 to 10 more years of economic difficulties before we have a chance for another major secular bull market to begin! These “Super Cycles” act like a force of nature, Skarica writes. Think earthquake, tornado, hurricane, tsunami. In The Great Super Cycle, Skarica gives investors an incredible peek into the future, revealing the coming doom for the U.S. dollar. He also offers positive, actionable advice you can use to protect and grow your investments in the coming turbulent years. In The Great Super Cycle, Skarica says: - The U.S. "empire" is undergoing a tectonic shift of gravity. As when Great Britain lost its empire in the 1940s and ’50s as the world's economic power shifted to the United States, America now is facing the same dramatic axis shift to Asian economic powers such as China and India.
- The dollar will lose its reserve currency status as the dollar continues to collapse over the next five years.
- The dollar has collapsed 50 percent since 1985 and it will devalue by another 50 percent in the next five years!
- As the dollar tumbles the stock market actually may rise! But this will be because of inflation — in reality, YOUR STOCK INVESTMENTS WILL BE DEPRECIATING IN VALUE!
- Americans will see a loss of freedom as the federal government's insolvency becomes more apparent and America sinks into a Third World-style economic malaise.
- America is repeating many of the same mistakes as Japan did 20 years ago. Japan's economy was roaring when, by 1990 the average Japanese made more than the average American. Today, Japanese make 85 percent of what Americans make. This is already happening to Americans as their standard of living falls.
- INTEREST RATE ALERT: the Fed's decision to keep rates artificially low is the only thing preventing the U.S from becoming immediately bankrupt. Eventually, Federal Reserve attempts using "quantitative easing" will stop working and interest rates will rise, Skarica predicts. Long term rates are already rising!
- The real cost of the housing crisis has been staggering, with the U.S. essentially adding $5.3 trillion in mortgage debt onto the public debt roll.
- The real debt number is not the government debt-to-GDP ratio, but the total private and public debt-to-GDP ratio. What's the number? Skarica says that, when you add all the debt in the U.S. economy, it comes to a staggering 350 percent of the current GDP! The United States has entered its "Argentina" phase, a Harvard professor says.
- Why George Soros is both right and wrong about his "Super Bubble" theory, which contends that the United States has benefited enormously from the dollar serving as the world's reserve currency. Skarica argues that Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve "panicked" after the 9/11 attacks and the 2001 recession, creating a massive debt bubble — "the ultimate Ponzi scheme" — in all of history.
- We are not witnessing "deflation," as many experts say. Instead, we are experiencing incredible "deleveraging" as bad debts are written down or taken completely at a loss. This process will continue to encourage the Fed and the U.S. Treasury to push for more inflation to stop a stampede of debt collapse that could sink the United States into oblivion.
- "I believe the credit bubble of the last 20 years will lead to an inflation bubble for the next 10 years," Skarica argues in The Great Super Cycle.
- Be wary of T-Bills and government bonds! In The Great Super Cycle, the U.S. government bubble will eventually burst as interest rates rise.
- We are clearly living in a "secular" bear market for U.S. equities that will last 15 to 20 years — one Skarica says began in 2000 and will continue until at least 2015 and possibly until 2020! As he says in The Great Super Cycle, market valuations are key, and no U.S. secular bull market has ever begun until the S&P has a 10-year average P/E ratio of less than 10! The current S&P P/E ratio is over 20!
- Beware of the fake "bull market." The stock market will not "crash" — but will trade "sideways" and possibly even increase. Still, this inflation of the market will mask a de facto collapse of the market's value as the dollar falls.
You Can't Stop the "Great Super Cycle" No matter what Washington or the Federal Reserve does, it cannot stop the “Great Super Cycle” that Americans are living through. Skarica's case is powerful, even more so because it offers investors actionable advice to ride the “Super Cycle” to investment profits. Here are just some of his investment recommendations and picks: - The three key signs that immediately preceded EVERY secular bull market in the past 100 years. None has started yet. (p. 92)
- Commodities will increase enormously as the dollar devalues and inflation gains velocity. Not all commodity investments are the same, says Skarica, who recommends one commodity index that he says will outperform all others. (p.127)
- The Great Super Cycle details the "Dow-to-gold" ratio that has never been wrong as a predictor of gold prices. Skarica believes that this ratio indicates gold will increase to more than $5,000 an ounce and has an eight-year bull market in price left in its trajectory. (p. 108)
- Why silver has become the "poor man's gold" but an equally powerful investment vehicle. (p. 123)
- The Great Super Cycle offers the best way to invest in gold, including David Skarica's top five gold mining stocks he believes will rise over 100 percent in the next several years. WARNING: avoid gold mining companies that "hedge." Skarica names them. (p. 116)
- The coming boom in natural gas. Skarica offers the two best ways to invest for great profit in natural gas. (p. 136)
- The two best "short" bond funds that will rise dramatically when the government bond bubble bursts (pp. 46-47)
- The best indicator of "maximum pessimism" that gives investors an early warning signal of when to buy and when to sell. (p. 156)
- Why China's economic growth is no bubble and the five best ways to invest in the Asian tiger. (pp. 178-180)
- And India is an even better bet for investors than China. Skarica details the best ETFs to ride the coming India wave. (p 194)
- Reposition your U.S. equity holdings: the best ETFs to invest in Australia and Canada, whose currencies will strongly outperform the dollar. (pp. 200-201)
The Great Super Cycle is more than an investment book. It’s a compass, a guide, a roadmap for weary investors tired of the misinformation they have heard and been fed by Wall Street and their parroting economists. Today Newsmax will send you this book absolutely FREE (a $28 value). We just ask that you pay S&H of $4.95 with this incredible offer. And that’s not all, we have two additional gifts to help secure your financial future. Bonus Gift #1: A FREE 4-Month Subscription to the Financial Intelligence Report! (a $33 value) Newsmax has spent years building a financial brain trust of the strongest minds in economics, investing, and politics. This alliance surveys the global landscape for the issues that directly affect you and your finances. In Newsmax's flagship economic publication, Financial Intelligence Report, you can put this powerful collection of minds to work for you. The Financial Intelligence Report (FIR) has predicted every major economic and market trend since its inception in 2003. Readers who have adhered to this prescient publication's advice have been led to safety and unsurpassed opportunity. Following the Financial Intelligence Report's Investment Advice Could Boost Your Net Worth Many Times Over. |