Bat Ye’or: In a move that caught the Israeli government and the Jewish world by complete surprise, on October 21, 2010, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared the Tomb of the Hebrew Patriarchs in Hebron and Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem “an integral part of the occupied Palestinian territories,” admonishing the Israeli decision to add these biblical shrines to the list of Jewish historical and archaeological sites as “a violation of international law.” … Continue reading Delegitimizing the Jewish State… A couple of months ago I posted an article which listed many leading Jewish intellectuals that support Sarah Palin for President. In this article David Solway adds his name to the list. T. Belman There is probably no one more qualified for the White House than Sarah Palin. But is she electable? By Barry Rubin There is a newspaper in Lebanon called al-Akhbar. Curiously, while other newspapers are in decline or starved for funds, al-Akhbar is expanding. The New York Times reporter fell for the foolish notion that this newspaper is some model of independence and enterprise. In fact, it is not exactly a secret in Lebanon that it is a hard-line, Syrian backed newspaper that repeatedly slanders the moderate forces there as well as delivers propaganda for Hizballah. And that’s where the money comes from. So the Times is cheering a Syrian propaganda operation just as, not long ago, the Guardian went into rhapsodies about a supposedly... Southern Sudan does not plan to establish relations with Israel When it comes down to it, all of the anti-Israel agitators, protesters and complainers use the same method for their smears. It is easy, effective and sometimes even partially truthful. The method is to simply compare Israel with their idea of perfection, and note where it falls short. It is insidious, because when it is done well, it is difficult to argue against on a point by point basis, and that tends to make people think that Israel is guilty of horrendous crimes. It is criticism without context, calumnies without comparisons, arguments... “The real beauty of Islam:” putting Jews in ovens, calling non-Muslims Kafirs Pro-Hamas Demonstration – Fort Lauderdale FL shows that you can take the ape out of the jungle but you can’t take the jungle out of the ape. If these animals were to actually succeed in putting all the Jews in an oven, and getting rid of all the other kafirs (i.e. Christians), they would probably starve because there would be no taxpayers left to pay for their welfare checks. Most of them probably leech off the kafirs around them like the common parasites they are. A year and a half ago Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman met in Moscow with President Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. The talks, which were very optimistic, went on in Russian, and among other things sharply criticized the United States. For that reason, they stirred a great deal of interest at American Embassy in Moscow. According to WikiLeaks, the acting deputy chief of mission, Alice Wells, sent a secret cable to Washington on June 2, 2009, stating that the senior Russian government officials view Lieberman as one of their own. It is not difficult to imagine what would have happened in Israel if it were discovered that the Russians, the Chinese, or the French saw Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Ehud Barak or former Prime Minister Ehud... U.N. WATCH At the United Nations, 2011 will be a challenging year. I want to brief you on what lies ahead, share highlights from the year that was, and ask you to please consider donating to ensure the vital work of UN Watch. Consider, first, what’s being decided today. The U.N. General Assembly is expected to vote overwhelmingly to hold a “Durban 3” celebration in New York during September 2011, days after the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. As you know, the U.N.’s original Durban “anti-racism” conference, in 2001, turned into a festival of anti-Semitic and anti-American hatred, incited by PLO chief Yasser Arafat and other supporters of terrorism. It’s outrageous that anyone would now celebrate that event. “The French know very well that those missiles will never be used against any foe besides Israel, and they also know that Israeli tanks will never enter Lebanon except in response to direct attacks on Israel or Israeli soldiers. So, in effect, the sale says, “We wish to help Lebanon attack Israel and defend against Israeli counter-attack.” But fear not, the French too recognize Israel’s “right to exist.” by Jonathan Rosenblum Three South American countries – Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay — have formally recognized a Palestinian state defined by the 1949 armistice lines, and the European Union has expressed its intention of doing so at the appropriate time. The Palestinian Authority claims that ten European states have already committed to full diplomatic relations with the phantom state of Palestine. The Palestinians have been down this road before. In 1988, before Oslo and before the Palestinian Authority, they... Blacks as well as Latinos were far behind whites in employment levels even when the economy was booming. Hmmmm maybe we should send aid ships to American Blacks? Is this why Obama pushed to extend unemployment benefits? Yamit From the Washington Post: Unemployment for African Americans is projected to reach a 25-year high this year, according to a study released Thursday by an economic think tank, with the national rate soaring to 17.2 percent and the rates in five states exceeding 20 percent. Better not tell human rights organizations, or else they will start writing a whole lot of reports about how the US is oppressing blacks to cause this high unemployment rate. After all, they kill countless trees crying over Palestinian Arab unemployment, blaming Israel for it, when the rate for West Bank Palestinian Arabs is actually lower than blacks in the US. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, in the second quarter of 2010 the unemployment rate for... Read the whole entry » • Email to a friend •Delegitimizing the Jewish State
Sarah for President? YES
by David Solway,PAJAMAS MEDIASarah Palin continues to galvanize the imagination of both her ardent supporters and her hectoring adversaries. It is easy to understand her appeal to those who have rallied behind her and her possible candidacy for the office of president of the United States. She has a lot going for her: charm, personableness, natural smarts, moral probity, executive competence, independence of character, and a passionate love of country. These are undeniable advantages, or should be in any sane political environment.
At the same time, she steps up to the plate with two strikes against her — or, in an alternative baseball universe, with three, four, or five strikes...Dopes of the Day: Fooled by Syria…Twice
Since I have written about how easily fooled Western politicians, officials, journalists, and academics are by Middle Eastern radicals, I’m going to try to provide examples in a regular feature called Dopes of the Day. This is a good starting point. (Be sure to read this article to the end to find out about both Dopes of the Day.)How to Defame Israel – NPR edition
Today’s Asharq al-Awsat quotes the minister of information for the possible state as saying, unequivocally, that the state would not establish diplomatic relations with Israel if and when it is established. Sudan’s Christians are concentrated in the south and many are spearheading the efforts for independence. Israels reward for helping them! YamitWho Let These Animals into the United States?
by Bill LevinsonShavit: “Lieberman is no Patriot”.. He Isn’t One of Us (Israeli Left)
Lieberman can feel at home at the Kremlin
Russian officials see Lieberman as one of their own: His worldview and value system are the same as Putin’s.
By Ari ShavitU.N. Watch at work
Consider, second, what will be going on all year at the U.N.’s Human Rights Council. Despite its name, this is an Orwellian body ruled by such repressive regimes...The Phantom Palestinian State — Some Questions
Yated Ne’emanUS blacks have higher unemployment rates than WB PalArabs
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Saturday, 1 January 2011
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