While the Wall Street Journal still considers the breakup of the EuroZone unlikely, what
What is becoming obvious in the European Union is that economies of radically different strengths have been combined in one 16-nation euro currency zone. What is being tested is whether on one set of economic policies determined by bureaucrats in Brussels and Luxembourg and one set of interest rates determined by the EU central bank can possibly result in economic prosperity for all 16 nations during difficult economic times.
"I become nervous when Angela Merkel says the future of the euro and that of the EU
For decades, globalists such as Jean Monnet, a key architect of the EU, argued that economic integration did not necessitate political integration or loss of nation-state sovereignty for the European countries participating.
Orlean Koehle, an active Tea Party member and a member of the Sonoma County
She points out that one California customer called to find out why rates had gone up such that his electric bill was much higher with the Smart Meter installed, only to be told by PG&E that he was washing his clothes or using his air condition at "peak time," so he would have to pay "peak rates."
An easy next step would be for government regulators to demand more household
Sunday, 2 January 2011
EDITORIAL - Dr. Jerome R. Corsi
"Will the Euro Survive the EuroZone Debt Crisis?"
Dr. Jerome Corsi, Ph.D.
The recent downgraded Ireland and Portugal's sovereign debt, coming on the heels
of the debt crisis in Greece, has moved the EuroZone moved one step closer to
Will the euro survive? That conclusion is no longer certain. For the first time since
the 1950s, the vision of Europe as a regional government with a regional currency
is in doubt.
Moody's downgrade of Ireland's sovereign debt came one day after Moody's placed Greece's Ba1 rating on review for further downgrade, and four days after Moody's issued
downgrade warnings for Spain and Belgium.
"Some economists are convinced that the euro zone will have to break up,"
reported Marcus Walker in Friday's Wall Street Journal. "The fundamental problem, they say, is that some countries have become deeply uncompetitive inside the euro, because
their labor and other business costs have risen faster than in more efficient countries such as Germany." Source:http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703395204576023791252627346.html
The real problem is that Germany retains a semblance of a free-market economy and the fear of creating a EU,
back to the 1950s, was that an economically strong Germany would dominate the EU, winning for Germans
dominance over Europe that even Hitler failed to achieve long-term.
Moreover, many of the EU countries, including even France and Italy, have constructed elaborate social welfare
states on a socialist model that are now spending wildly beyond the ability of tax revenues to keep pace; as a
result, irreversible budget deficits mean inevitable downgrades in sovereign debt ratings, with the result that the
cost of continued borrowing is not affordable.
is remarkable is that an article like the one Marcus Walker wrote could be published in
the newspaper at all, especially with the title "Extreme Measures: The Euro Breaks Up."
ECB builds up war chest!
Last week the European Central Bank announced: it will double its capital base, to
€10.8 billion ($14.28 billion) from €5.8 billion, in preparation to enter the government bond market even more deeply, in an effort to work alongside the International Monetary Fund to help
bailout member states with severe budget deficits, including Greece and Ireland, and
not potentially Spain, Portugal and Belgium.
Last Thursday, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the IMF, said he was worried that the EU leaders'
piecemeal approach to the EuroZone debt crisis was encouraging markets to pick off weak countries
"I am worried, and that's why I'm urging the Europeans ... to provide a comprehensive solution because this
piecemeal approach ... obviously doesn't work," Strauss-Kahn told Reuters. "The markets are just waiting for
what's next."
Signs of fracture in the EuroZone
An important editorial written by economics commentator Philip Stephens in the Financial Times on Friday, Dec. 3, began by noting, "The crisis of the euro is a crisis of Europe. The continent is slipping into a new nationalism."
He argued that as the shift of global power is moving to Asia and China, European leaders are scrambling
"to define narrow national interests."
Stephens continued: "Solidarity, set by the Union's founding fathers as the cornerstone of Europe's future, is
an idea fallen into despair."
He observed that it is no longer fanciful "to imagine that this unique experiment in supranational governance
could yet rupture. The proximate cause of such an event would probably be another economic shock. Yet the
underlying malaise is politics. Governments, struggling to hold on to support at home, cannot adjust to a world
that no longer belongs to the west."
What's remarkable is to see openly expressed concerns that the eurozone might not survive, especially when
published in the Financial Times, a stalwart supporter of the EU and globalism.
are inextricably linked," Stephens wrote. "The problem is that she is right. The EU as
we know it would not long survive the implosion of its most ambitious project. What
worries me is that, on the evidence so far, Berlin does not have the political will to
rescue the single currency."
What is becoming obvious in the European Union is that economies of radically
different strengths have been combined in one 16-nation euro currency zone. What is
being tested is whether on one set of economic policies determined by bureaucrats in
Brussels and Luxembourg and one set of interest rates determined by the EU central
bank can possibly result in economic prosperity for all 16 nations during difficult economic times.
The duplicity behind the formation of the EU was revealed in an unusually honest editorial that columnist
Gideon Rachman published last week in the Financial Times.
"The EU has always proceeded by creating economic 'facts on the ground,' which were intended to trigger
political events," Rachman wrote. "Ever since the 1950s this has worked admirably, as a modest coal and
steel community turned into a Union of 27 nations, with its own parliament, supreme court and foreign policy."
This is startling for those who recall Christopher Booker and Richard North's important book,
"The Great Deception: The Secret History of the European Union," 1-3 in which the authors argued that lying
was an important strategy used by the globalists behind the formation of the EU.
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"Jacques Delors, the European Commission president who presided over the creation of a single market in the 1980s, said frankly: 'We're not here just to make a single market - that doesn't interest me - but to make a political union,'" Rachman noted. "The creation of a single market involved a huge expansion of European law and therefore deep erosions of national sovereignty."
What has happened is that globalist pundits, in their determination to use the current EU debt crisis as an excuse for more globalism - have begun to blame the failure of the EU on the drive to create a common currency in the euro before the EU political mechanism had complete control over the nation-state
economies of the participating countries.
Now that the IMF has partnered with the EU on the Greece and Ireland bailouts, the EU itself is transitioning
to global control, with or without the informed consent of the citizens of the EU nations.
Here Come the Energy Police!
In December, the California Public Utilities Commission, or CPUC, has given permission to deploy an
Advanced Meter Infrastructure project that will upgrade both metering and communications software to i
nstall 5.1 million electricity meters and 4.2 million natural gas meters in homes in the Pacific Gas & Electricity
in California.
While the devices are being sold as energy saving tools, the technology also gives the energy police the ability
to shut you off or charge you additional if you refuse to install energy saving measures demanded by green
ideologues and enforced by utility companies doing their bidding.
Tea Party Fights Back
Republican Central Committee has begun to fight back.
"What is a smart meter?" Koehle asks. "It is one that contains RF (radio frequency) so
that it can be remotely controlled and read. No longer will a meter reader have to come
to your home to read the meter. It will all be done remotely."
What is the concern about the energy police?
"When all is in place, the smart meter will not only keep track of how much electricity you are using, but it will
be able to control, regulate, and ration your use of that electricity," she wrote. "If 'big brother' decides that you
are using too much heat in the winter time, or too much air conditioning in the summer time, or using too much
hot water in your showers or washing machine (even if you are willing to pay for that extra usage), the use of
power will be automatically turned down."
Koehle's not only concerned that green bureaucrats want to impose their global warming agenda on a free
marketplace, but that in the future no one will be able to avoid the coming ideologically-driven intrusion into
our homes.
Pretty soon, Koehle warns, all appliances will be replaced with those containing RF chips.
"If he wanted to save money then he could wash his clothes in the middle of the night or use his air conditioner then (when he really didn't need it anymore because the temperature is cooler)," she wrote.
Google gets into the act
If you thought Google was just a harmless Internet search engine, think again.
Named the "Google PowerMeter," the software is intended to measure the precise amount of energy a house
consumes and provide an accounting that lists by household location and device that consumes the electricity.
As a result, the Google PowerMeter will provide utilities and any government regulators who care the access
the data complete information on a household's energy footprint and carbon footprint.
energy efficiency or a reduction in carbon emissions, with the result that "energy
offenders" could be charged substantial fines, with the possibility that the truly
recalcitrant could be deemed "energy criminals" subject to severe consequences.
As always, government extermination of civil liberties first arrives with a helping hand.
Google boasts its PowerMeter will make it possible for households to "make informed
choices about electricity" by providing home energy consumers with detailed household "personal energy information" that will allow consumers to save up to 15 percent on their monthly
energy bill.
"Even greater savings are possible if you use this information to see the value of retiring your old refrigerator,
installing a new air conditioner or insulating your home,"
Source; http://www.google.org/powermeter/ Google writes.
Billing the effort as "energy technology meets information technology," or "ET meets IT" in Google-speak,
the goal is to monitor home-by-home energy consumption of every home in the nation, calculating as a
by-product the likely carbon footprint of the household.
The courts will probably already have determined that a generous reading of the "general welfare" clause of the
Constitution authorizes the federal government to enforce energy efficiency standards on homes, much like the
federal government enforces energy efficiency standards on cars and trucks.
Besides, the Supreme Court has already expanded the government's eminent domain privileges to authorize
confiscation of your private property on pretexts of the common good so numerous and loosely defined that
energy offenders might risk loss of their homes if they refused to comply with government energy dictates.
Still, Google insists, "At Google, we're helping enable a future where access to personal electricity information
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Britannia Radio