In order to control the internet and do so without much notice, the FCC has rolled a censorship plan into its Net Neutrality scheme. Under the fallacious rubric of "consumer protection," the FCC is calling for the regulation of television and internet broadband.
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Elephant And Donkey Party Prepare For A Knock-Out
House Republicans Tee Up Health Care Debate After Pausing for Tucson Victims
House Republican leaders signaled for the first time Thursday that they intend to get back to business, in a matter of days, after the tragic shooting in Tucson temporarily derailed plans to kick off the 112th Congress with a series of votes aimed at cutting spending and growing jobs.
At the top of Republicans' agenda was a contentious vote on repealing the health care law. They called off that vote in the House, originally scheduled for Wednesday, after Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 19 other people were shot over the weekend by a lone gunman.
But a spokesman for House Republican Leader Eric Cantor told Fox News on Thursday that Congress will push ahead with "thoughtful consideration" of the bill next week. Several other House Republicans echoed the need for Congress to resume its agenda, having paused out of deference to Giffords and the families of the victims for a full week.
"We don't need to be wasting time," Rep. Phil Gingrey, R-Ga., told Fox News. "We can walk and chew gum at the same time."
In light of President Obama's well-received speech Wednesday in which he called for a more civil discourse in American politics, the timetable poses a risk for the new House majority. Moving too forcefully opens the door for Democrats to accuse the party of ignoring the president's advice.
A House Democratic aide suggested they will be monitoring the tone carefully in Washington.
"There is widespread recognition that both sides need to choose their words more carefully when discussing these issues and reflect on the impact those words have," the aide told "The health care debate will be the first real test of whether or not this will be the case."
That debate is for many lawmakers the marquee example of where the public discourse became most vitriolic over the past two years. Obama said during the memorial service in Arizona on Wednesday that lawmakers owe it to the victims to tone it down.
But he also quieted suggestions that the political grandstanding and high-octane commentary of the past two years somehow drove alleged shooter Jared Loughner to the point of violence.
"It did not," Obama said.
No doubt mindful of the potential pitfalls, Republicans pledged Thursday to proceed respectfully in the days ahead.
"Americans have legitimate concerns about the cost of the new health care law and its effect on the ability to grow jobs in our country," Cantor spokesman Brad Dayspring said. "It is our expectation that the debate will continue to focus on those substantive policy differences surrounding the new law."
House Republican Whip Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said Thursday that the tenor of debate going forward will be focused primarily on jobs creation. He said lawmakers will get back to work while keeping Giffords in their thoughts and prayers.
Obama announced Wednesday night that Giffords had for the first time opened her eyes in response to those around her, a development McCarthy cited as great progress.
Steve King: House GOP Serious About Pulling ObamaCare
'Out by the Roots'
The call for legislative business to resume does not mean things are necessarily back to normal. Lawmakers now are far more attuned to legislation dealing with personal security. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, plans to introduce a bill authorizing members of Congress to carry guns in the District of Columbia and in the U.S. Capitol.
House Speaker John Boehner also announced that Arizona Republican Rep. Jeff Flake will deliver the party's weekly radio address on Saturday. Flake is one of the leading crusaders on Capitol Hill against earmarks and wasteful spending. But the address was pitched solely as a dedication to the victims of Saturday's shooting and the citizens who intervened.
"I'm proud on behalf of House Republicans to deliver this address honoring the victims of the shooting in Tucson, Arizona, and thanking the heroes who acted selflessly in the face of violence," Flake said in a written statement.
The Tea Party Is Supporting Our Troops!
Because of your generous donations Lance Corporal Fidel Granado is receiving the treatments he has needed for years!
Thank You Tea Partiers!
While participating in training maneuvers at Camp Pendleton, Lance Corporal Fidel Granado was involved in a rollover accident in his Jeep after the vehicle he was following threw up dust, blocking his vision. Because there was no visible injury to either Granado or the Jeep, he was immediately sent back into training the training exercise.
Later, while deployed overseas, Granado was riding in the turret of his Fast Attack Vehicle. The driver of the vehicle hit a bump at high speed, causing Granado to fall out of the vehicle, hitting his head on the turret during the process. He was placed on medications for migraine headaches and discharged from the Marines.
In late 2009, Granado's medication for migraines and PTSD was changed and he had a stroke.
The aftereffects left him with a severe stutter, issues with his balance and he was unable to participate in activities that he loved prior to his stroke like fishing and camping with his son and coaching his son's ball team. After 40 hyperbaric treatments, he has had improvement with balance, reduction in the frequency and severity of his headaches and his stutter is completely gone. "I want to get back to a normal, productive life," Stated Granado.
In June 2010 We Told You This Would Happen!
Kelly William Cobb, writing for Americans for Tax Reform, says "the FCC would begin regulating Internet access for the first time under a completely new regulatory scheme (even though they lack the authority to create it). Meanwhile, the FCC would push regulations - cloaked in the heart-warming language of competition and innovation - mandating that your cable box (known as a set-top box) become a 'broadband gateway device' controlling access to your Internet, TV, and phone. The FCC has already started looking at set-top box regulations in their National Broadband Plan."
On top of this, it would open the door for the FCC to begin monitoring or censoring content on the Internet (in addition to your TV), something Free Press and other progressives, as well as the White House regulatory czar advocate. The Songwriters Guild of America has a great op-ed on why government censorship is entirely possible if the Internet becomes regulated. (Emphasis added.)
Under the FCC's regulatory control consumers would be forced to buy an Internet/TV/Phone connectivity box that the government approves. "Everyone will pay rates for service that the government sets. And everything passing through your Internet, TV, or phone would become subject to the FCC's consistent regulatory whim," writes Cobb.
The FCC has controlled television content for decades. If you want to know what the heavy hand of government will do to internet content think of the absurd Janet Jackson nipple incident and the government's response.
The government wants to make sure the flow of information is safe for consumption by the plebs. Broadcast and cable television do not offer an alternative to news and information provided by the corporate media. The FCC plan and government oversight of content would effectively kill off alternative news, information, and commentary.
If the FCC gets its way Obama will not need a "kill switch" installed in the Oval Office. The internet will ultimately become a pale reflection of corporate-dominated television where there are hundreds of channels and nothing on - that is nothing that challenges the government and offers an alternative to the corporate media.
Source: Nimmo
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Britannia Radio