Friday, 14 January 2011

Christian Concern

Christian Weekly News

Every Friday Christian Concern will bring you stories of fundamental significance to Christians and our Nation. To equip you to pray and act. To put the hope of Christ at the centre of our Nation.

Please visit our website at:

Christian Concern is pleased to be leading the Not Ashamed initiative.

In this edition

Highlights, Religious Freedom, Sexual Orientation, Abortion, Bioethics and End of Life, Education, Family and Social, Islam, International Persecution, Events

Christian Weekly News

Action Alert

Wilberforce Academy

The Wilberforce AcademyPreparing the next generation of Christian leaders in public life

one week left to apply for this unique and exciting opportunity to be trained and equipped for future leadership in public life. A range of internationally recognised speakers will help delegates to develop a robust Christian framework for thinking about public policy and serving Jesus in law, politics, the media, education and business.

The Academy will take place in Oxford from 20th – 25th March. We hope that it will be free of charge to successful applicants.

Would you or someone you know be interested? Find further information and an application form here – and please forward this message as appropriate.

Awake, Arise

Awake AriseEquipping the church to engage with society

Do you live in London, South Wales or Northants? If so, don’t miss our forthcoming ‘Awake, Arise’ events. Please let others know too. Further details can be found here.

These day conferences seek to inform Christians about issues of importance in our society and local communities and give them the tools to engage effectively. For more details of forthcoming events, please click

If you live elsewhere or can’t make those dates, why not think about whether you or your church could help host an event – however slim the possibility, please email to find out more about how we can work in partnership.

Channel 4 Euthanasia Debates

4thought.tvNext week, Channel 4 are showing a series of short films about euthanasia as part of their programmes, asking whether euthanasia should be legalised in Britain. The 90 second films will be airing after the news every evening on Channel 4 (around 7:55pm).

Viewers can share their own views on euthanasia in response to the films on the programme website

Please do join in the debate and make your views known as we continue to seek to protect the vulnerable and elderly.

Andrea's Blog

Andrea Minichiello WilliamsAndrea Minichiello Williams, CEO of Christian Concern and the Christian Legal Centre, has been updating her blog regularly. Recent entries deal with the persecution of Christians in the Islamic world over the Christmas period and ethical failures in modern IVF. You can add your own comments to the blog, so please do join in the debate.

Please click
here to read the entry on persecution of Christians and here on IVF ethics.

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