Friday, 28 January 2011

Exit Coulson, Re-enter Cummings – Alex Barker
Labour Ahead Despite, Not Because Of, MilibandTotal Politics
Nick Robinson Shits on BritainMail
Etonians in the Government – Gary Gibbon
Sam Coates Off to the FrontPoliticsHome
Ed’s Utter PMQs Fiction - Fact Check
Wall of Silence from Tabloids – Press Gazette
Timeline for Government’s Vision For Tax Cuts – Douglas Carswell
M4C “Total, Unmitigated Catastrophe”New Statemsan
UKIP Polling Higher than LibDems – Michael Heaver
Token JusticeLiberal Vision
MI6 Planned to Smash HamasTelegraph
Johnson: “I Couldn’t Cope”Mirror

Margaret Thatcher said in 1977….

“People from my sort of background needed Grammar schools to compete with children from privileged homes like Shirley Williams and Anthony Wedgwood Benn.”

Government Defence Organisation Sold Fake Bomb Detectors