Friday, 14 January 2011

The First Post 

The First Post

Ten things you need to know today

Friday: The First Post's super-quick catch-up on the main news talking points

Gunslinger’s rights: it only seems mad to foreigners

Congressman Gohmert’s plan to arm his colleagues makes sense to many Americans

Murder: why we hope the mysterious stranger did it

Four weeks since Jo Yeates was last seen alive, Judith Flanders examines our fascination with murder

The Green Hornet strikes again - this time in 3D

Film of the Week: Will Seth Rogen's crime fighter be surprise comic-book hit?

Glenn Beck: hated by liberals - and Murdoch?

Evidence mounts that Fox News owner feels the same way as liberals about Beck

Colin Firth gets his star - what about an Oscar?

Golden Globe this Sunday would get the Oscar buzz going for Mr Darcy

Von Teese cleavage joins Perry’s on US blacklist

First Katy Perry - now Dita Von Teese's 'offensive cleavage' is too much for TV audiences

Christina Green funeral

Picture of the day: The family of Christina Green, who was shot dead by Jared Lee Loughner, attend her funeral

Two knights at war over ‘disgraceful’ Afghan story

‘Army took us to war to keep the troops busy’ claims former diplomat Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles

Risky business

In pictures: When award presentations don't go according to plan