To the best of your knowledge what is Neveh Dekalim?
Tel Aviv neighborhood 21% Herzelya hotel 9% Biblical period city 8%
Largest community in Gush Katif 17% Don't know/other 45%
Where is Gush Katif located?
South of Ashkelon 36% Judean Hills 14% Southern Golan Heights 12%
Don't know/other 38%
To the best of your knowledge, what year was the disengagement plan carried
out in Gush Katif?
2005 41% 1948 3% 1995 8% 1982 6% Don't know/other 42%
Who was prime minister at the time of the disengagement from Gush Katif?
Olmert 12% Ben Gurion 0% Rabin 4% Sharon 61% Don't know/other 23%
To the best of your knowledge, how many residents lived in Gush Katif before
the disengagement?
One community of around 150 families 2%
1,000 3% 9,000 11% Over 9,000 28% Don't know/other 56%
To what extent would you be interested in receiving additional information
via a film or school discussion about life in Gush Katif before the
Not interested 27% Doesn't matter to me either way 29% Interested 27% Don't
know/other 17%
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Five and a half years later, Israeli teenagers clueless about Gush Katif
January 29, 2011
It's been five and a half years since Israel expelled the Jewish residents of Gush Katif, and many Israeli teenagers are clueless about what happened.
Posted by
Britannia Radio