Assassination attempt on Saturday...
Pep rally with newly made commemorative
t-shirst on Wednesday.
Who says the Bushbama administration can't get things
And what about Ms. Palin?
She QUIT her job as Governor of Alaska and is now the
star of a reality TV show...and yet news commentators
can't get enough of her opinion on current events.
Meanwhile, the price of gas and food heads up
relentlessly - but there's no inflation.
Real unemployment is well north of 15% and without any
hope of improvement - but it's not a Depression.
Sounds like the last days of a Banana Republic to me.
While the news media spins endless nonsense, here's
a bulletin from the world of reality that's eventually
going to bring everyone back to earth.
From our friends at Real Econ TV
- Brasscheck
Saturday, 15 January 2011
Posted by
Britannia Radio