What's next for 2011?
Probably more of the same in the form
of rampant, out-of-control criminality
on the part of our so-called "elites"...
Brasscheck TV's job is to keep an eye on
them for you so you know what they're up to
months and sometimes years in advance
so that you can be prepared and not a victim
of their chicanery.
I'm not going to be falsely modest on this
point. Since Brasscheck started in 1997, our track
record of anticipating real trends in the economy
and "government" has been second to none.
Today though we're announcing a new channel...
one that looks at the OTHER side of the story.
=== A brand new channel for the Next World
This channel tells the story of the work of
sane, normal, and often inspired people who are
creating and living in an alternative world, one independent
of the "helping hand" of Big Brother.
We call it Next World TV...and we're launching it
with one of the most mind bending videos I've seen
in a long time.
It's about a family that has been independently
feeding and providing medicinal herbs for itself for
over 300 years with an ingenious system of agriculture
you may never have heard of.
By the way, that number is not a typo...They've been
doing it for over 300 years.
(This story may give you new insight into why
Monsanto and Dow Chemical and others
were so intent on bombing and poisoning
the countryside of a certain Asian country
forty years ago.)
=== Real freedom is earned, never granted
What would it mean to you and your family
and friends if you enjoyed the kind of real freedom
this family has?
As always, if you like this video, please SHARE
it with others so they can see what's possible.
This information is something they are very unlikely
to ever see on corporate TV.
And if you want to participate in the Next World
and join with others who are creating it, subscribe
to Next World TV.
It's no coincidence this new channel starts on
1 - 1 - 11...It's the the day of new beginnings.
After all, when all is said and done, this is OUR world
and the sooner more of us start acting that way, the better.
- Brasscheck
Saturday, 1 January 2011
Posted by
Britannia Radio