Here is your Crux AM update:
Why the U.S. is guaranteed to go bankrupt
"In spite of their will and intent, democratic states always go bankrupt. Always."
Ten ways America would be better off without the Federal Reserve
"This is one of the greatest ripoffs in human history..."
Shocking poll finds China is now the world's top economic power
Nearly half of all Americans now believe America's best days are behind it...
A huge threat to your freedom is gathering strength (WARNING: extremely controversial post)
"This is one of the political elite's most urgent priorities..."
Forget oil... this is the future of energy investing in the Middle East
"As conventional oil and gas start to dry up… a bigger, even better opportunity seeks to replace it."
How the dollar could rally 50% from here
"Conventional wisdom is that the Fed wants the U.S. dollar lower, so it must drop..."
Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux
Friday, 14 January 2011
Posted by
Britannia Radio