How Bard College President Leon Botstein and George Soros will ruin the quality of US Post Secondary Education
by Lee Kaplan
I wrote a few weeks ago about how Bard College President Leon Botstein was permitting a Hamas support group called the International Solidarity Movement to operate on his college campus to train activists to go the Middle East as a human shield support arm for known terrorist groups like Hamas.
Botstein, instead of closing down the campus group, the first one of its kind in the US on a college campus, he decided to defend it as part of the free exchange of ideas. But Bard-ISM engages in lies and deception as part of the ISM playbook, and does more than just propagandize Bard’s students. The “campus club” trains activists to assist terrorist murderers such as are found in Hamas. Some of Bard’s trainees were involved with the Gaza flotilla boats.
Now further information is emerging about the judgment of Bard’s president which could be the harbinger of more ruinous effects on American postsecondary education across the nation.
Leon Botstein, Bard’s President,...
The Arizona Shooter
Laura: The hateful rhetoric being ginned up by the left and media against Sarah Palin is despicable. That the left would exploit this horrific shooting to attempt to gain political advantage is beyond repulsive. This is a new low even for them. They are using the fact that Sarah had Giffords’ district pictured with a target during the campaign to tie her to the massacre. Any normal person understood what was meant by that. Sarah cannot be held responsible for the actions of a certifiable lunatic who in any case had nothing in common with the political views of Sarah or the tea party movement and thus was not influenced by them. In fact it is indisputable that the shooter was a left wing athiest. But the liberals and media are nevertheless ignoring his true political beliefs and running with this story in order to attempt to destroy Sarah’s prospects as well as trying to destroy the tea party movement. The left wing...
The principal enemy is Islam
By Ted Belman
As readers of Israpundit know, I support far right groups that are taking up the battle against Islamization. Some of them have antisemitic members and roots. Others like Geert Wilders are extremely pro-Israel. Nevertheless they are all a strong voice in defence of the west.
Recently Dr Ariel Musikant, the President of the Jewish Communities of Austria came out against the Austrian far right party FPO. Shortly thereafter, Israel Deputy Minister Ayoob Kara visted Vienna and praised individuals in this party as well as their political program. As a result he wrote the following letter to PM Netanyahu.
Letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu
To which Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander, Member of the Nascent Sanhedrin, Member of the Jerusalem Court for Issues of Non-Jews and Founding Member of Ne’emnei Eretz Israel, replied.
Open Letter to Dr Ariel Musikant
I’m with the Rabbi.
Europe is fighting back
By Ted Belman
Der Spiegel has a major article on The German Geert Wilders which they headline as follows;
A former member of Chancellor Merkel’s Christian Democrats has formed a party to attract voters enthralled by Thilo Sarrazin and disappointed by Germany’s existing parties. Berlin politician René Stadkewitz’s new Freedom Party aims to leverage fear of Islam for political ends.
Obama’s Irrelevant Bid for Mideast Peace
The status quo hands the President a Mideast defeat.
by Benjamin Kerstein, PAJAMAS MEDIA
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not always a zero-sum game. Sometimes both sides win, and this is one of those times. It must be admitted that this is a somewhat counterintuitive idea, especially since most observers of the peace process seem to think that the breakdown in negotiations between the two parties is an unmitigated disaster for all involved.
In fact, it is a disaster only for the Obama administration, and both Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmud Abbas have the right to claim something like a victory.
The reason for this is a simple one: It is in the interests of both these leaders to preserve the status quo. Therefore the Obama administration’s insistence on renewing negotiations was a threat. That threat, for the moment, has been alleviated. Indeed, over the last several months, the entire negotiating process amounted to little...
The JDL and the EDL
By Ted Belman
Meir Weinstein heads the JDL in Toronto. They do great work. They picket what must be picketed and oppose what must be opposed. Recently they voiced their solidarity with the EDL in Britain and even planned a rally in Toronto at which the EDL leader was to speak by hook up.. This caused a reaction in in the conservative, pro Israel, National Post. You can imagine it also caused a reaction from the Jewish establishment in Canada.
As a result of a National post story this letter was written to the author Stuart Bell. I know Stuart Bell and Meir Weinstein. As readers of Israpundit know, we support the work of EDL and believe they are getting a raw deal from the establishment. The JDL in Canada is a great organization which stands up for Jews throughout the country. They do not in any way resort to violence but don’t shrink from it in self defence.
Dear Mr. Bell:
Re: “National Post Story: Controversial anti-Islamic group plans rally in Toronto”
WaPo and NYT blame Israel
Leo Rennert, in AMERICAN THINKER takes WaPo and NYT to task for blaming Israel for Palestinian barbarity.
He makes a great case.
Netanyahu maintains de facto freeze. Why?
Why must Ma’aleh Adumim and Ariel beg PM to okay new building especially now that the freeze has ended, right? Wrong. Maybe its because if we build international pressure mounts. Or maybe its because Netanyahu is trying to do a peace deal that allows for the loss of these communities. A statement released by Netanyahu’s office after he met with Mubarak, quoted the prime minister as saying an agreement with the Palestinians was possible if they were willing to “end the conflict.” Sounds like he is ready to give away the farm.
Ma’aleh Adumim, along with Betar Illit and Modi’in Illit, the largest three Jewish West Bank communities, have consistently fueled the bulk of settlement growth for the last 14 years.
Last year, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics, 58% of all finished homes in the settlements were in those three cities alone.
But Kashriel has warned, and continues to warn, that this kind of growth is about to come to a halt.
The state budget,...
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel