Islamberg in UpState New York….Jihad Training Video
The Nature of Islamic Threat in America. Why is it being Ignored?
It Isn’t About The Israeli-Arab Conflict
“The Rise of the Islamic-Israel Conflict”
This was the title of the talk delivered by Dr. Jonathan Spyer — Senior Research Fellow at the Global Research in International Affairs Center — at the Great Synagogue here in Jerusalem, on Motzei Shabbat (Saturday night). He provided a very cogent and insightful overview of the current situation and today I want to share highlights.
The “peace process” — going back more than 30 years– was the product of US hegemony in the Middle East:
Camp David Accords with Egypt were possible because Sadat made the decision to move from the Soviet to the US side. US domination was even more obvious with the Oslo Accords, which was made possible after the collapse of the Soviet Union. People during this period believed that a period of peace and liberalization was inevitable.
Oslo ran aground in the late 1990s, however, when it became apparent that what Israel could offer was less...
Will Hamas Sink the “U.S. Boat to Gaza” to Embarrass Israel?
Disclaimer: we have no knowledge of any terrorist plot to destroy the U.S. Boat to Gaza; if we did, we would report it to law enforcement. The following analysis is based solely on the past conduct of Palestinian terrorists and their enablers like the International Solidarity Movement (which is involved in this venture), the presence of violent criminals on another Gaza flotilla ship (Mavi Marmara), and finally evidence–in the form of 4 million rifle cartridges that were recently found in the wreck of the Lusitania–that England set up Americans to be killed to draw the United States into the First World War. The latter has nothing to do with the Gaza flotilla directly but it shows the lengths to which even the most civilized nation-states, not to mention...
Hamas Plotted Rocket Attack During Soccer Game
Laura: A saudi official was directly involved in this latest plot to mass murder Jews. Saudi officials are directly involved in the financing of jihad and terrorism around the world and have been getting away with it for years because the west chooses to look other way due to oil politics.
Hamas Planned Rocket Attack on Jerusalem Soccer Game
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, INN
Hamas terrorists, with funds from Saudi Arabia, plotted a missile attack on a soccer game at Jerusalem’s Teddy Stadium, Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) officials disclosed Sunday.
Officials said they arrested two Jerusalem Arabs who carried out surveillance from a hill overlooking the stadium in order to find the best place to launch rocket attacks on the packed stadium, home of the Beitar soccer team.
The plot began following Israel’s counterterrorist Operation Cast Lead operation two years ago. The terrorists were identified as Muslim Brotherhood members Moussa Hamda Matzour and Bassam Omri, who bought several...
Israel and the US Administration: A Midterm Assessment
Shalom, Zaki, INSS Insight No. 236, January 2, 2011
This essay focuses on Israel’s diplomatic achievements vis-à-vis the Obama administration.
The starting point of relations between the Netanyahu government and the Obama administration was inauspicious. Netanyahu’s first meeting with President Obama (May 2009) and President Obama’s speech at Cairo University (June 2009) in many ways seemed to augur a new low in bilateral relations. It appeared that the administration was seeking to ignore the understandings reached between the Sharon and Olmert governments and the Bush administration on the issue of settlements.
The administration announced a goal almost impossible to achieve, the total cessation of building in the settlements, and presented it as a unilateral diktat by the United States, rather than as an objective achieved through dialogue, as is required by the relationship that has developed between Israel and the United States over the years. The demand for a total...
“How Can a Liberal Defend Israel?” Part II
By David Harris
Since writing “How can a liberal defend Israel?” last month, I’ve been deluged by comments.
Some have been supportive, others harshly critical. The latter warrant closer examination.
The harsh criticism falls into two basic categories.
One is over the top.
Israel is a fact. That fact has been confirmed by the UN, which, in 1947, recommended the creation of a Jewish state. The UN admitted Israel to membership in 1949. The combination of ancient and modern links between Israel and the Jewish people is almost unprecedented in history. And Israel has contributed its share, and then some, to advancing humankind.
If there are...
A Proud Nation Would Choose To Live On Bread and Water Over Humiliation
An Israeli journalist responds to Thomas Friedman’s diatribe in the NYT on U.S.-Israel relations.
Well-known columnist Thomas Friedman summed up his recent article, Reality Check, in the New York Times as follows:
The most important thing President Obama and the Secretary of State…can do now is…to simply get out of the picture…America has to get off the road…”.
Putting aside our reservations about the way Friedman arrives at the above conclusion- his insulting style, the familiarity bordering on condescension (can it be due to his Jewish origins?) and skewed judgment–every Israeli patriot agrees with him. He is right when he says “you cannot desire peace more than the sides themselves do, and that is what America is doing. The people running Israel and Palestine today have other...
Should U.S. help Israel strike Iran?
An all-out assault may require all the American help it can get
By Gary Anderson, The Washington Times
Alan Dershowitz, Won’t You Please Come Home?
Were the Theologians Right All-Along?
“This is an exceedingly strange development, unexpected by all but the theologians. They have always accepted the word of the Bible: In the beginning God created heaven and earth… for the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”- Robert Jastrow(God and the Astronomers [New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 1978], 116. Professor Jastrow was the founder of NASA’s Goddard Institute, now director of the Mount Wilson Institute and its observatory.)
Scientists Find Proof of First Modern Humans in (Wait for it ) . . . Israel!
It always seems that scientists start out saying “HA! The Torah isn’t true!!” and, with a bit more research and time, end up saying . . . “Well, OK, maybe this...