Saturday, 1 January 2011

January 1, 2011

The Biggest Sting of All Times
We’ve all seen Hollywood portraying extremely clever and elaborate confidence schemes. Here we will expose the biggest sting of all time along with the remedy. The people that devise the sting recruit the best people money can buy. That gang of thieves instead of using violence fools the victim into willingly giving up their wealth. Conspiring together they set it up hoping to bring their transgressions of trickery to advantageous completion. Little by little the mark is brought in to their fraudulent scheme.....
by Paul Cappadona

America's Creeping Revolution, Part 2
In Part 1 I told readers about this marvelous 1949 book by John T. Flynn. Called The Road Ahead, America’s Creeping Revolution. As time permits during this busy Christmas season, I’ve been reading a few more pages. It is interesting to see the correlation between England during that time period and America right now. Flynn, however, is far more benevolent than I am going to be regarding the “planned economy” by the Fabian socialists. He felt the blunders by the British “misleaders” could be excused because.....
by Betty Freauf

Globalism Revisited, Part 6
To be separate and “touch not the unclean thing” presupposes identification with God’s truth as opposed to any counterfeit of it.[1] In order to discern accurately between truth and a credible counterfeit, a Christian first must know “the real thing” inside out, top-to-bottom. This is accomplished through lifelong, Spirit-directed study of God’s Word line upon line, precept upon precept.[2] Knowing the Bible and yielding to the Holy Spirit alert Christians to distracting winds of doctrine and deceit by the sleight of men.....
by Debra Rae

Times Got Much Better
I began broadcasting farm news and markets January 2, 1973 on one of the first regional radio networks in the nation. Never before had farmers heard market news aired ten times during the day and, as a result, I was invited to speak at farm and bank meetings all across the Midwest. I recently received the following comment from a long-time listener...
by Derry Brownfield