Tuesday, 11 January 2011

January 11, 2011

Get this DVD to Your State Legislator
For the past ten years, the issue of aerosol spraying has remained in the spotlight, mostly on the Internet. Here and there one sees a bit of coverage on a local news channel, but for the most part, it has not risen to the level of concern that it should with the American people. Those beautiful blue skies that disappear with the constant criss crossing of white gunk is no accident. It's not a conspiracy theory. It's real and......
by Devvy Kidd

Outbreaks Proof that Whooping Cough Vaccines Don’t Work
Pertussis-containing vaccines seem to have little effect on the overall incidence of the infection. Instead of focusing on the fear of whooping cough, it is obvious we need to focus on strengthening the immune system naturally and simple public health measure that work. Health aids such as hand washing, getting eight hours of sleep per night, taking vitamin C and maintaining a high.......
by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO

Arizona Shooter Did Not Fit DHS Domestic Terror Profile
At the direction of the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Obama Administration and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had established a profile for what they call “potential domestic terrorists” of grave concern in the DHS Intel Report titled “Rightwing Extremism.” The Obama Administration has allowed the Southern Poverty Law Center to define “hate” – hate speech and hate-based domestic terrorism. But the.....
by JB Williams

Visiting Mexico at Christmastime
Christmas (Navidad) is a special time in Mexico, and my family and I recently celebrated the holiday in Mexico. I formerly resided in Mexico, for a decade and a half. It’s where I met and married my wife, and where our children were born. When we lived in Mexico, we would come to the U.S. for Christmastime. But since we moved to the U.S. in 2008, it’s been only natural for us to go back to Mexico for Christmas. There’s been a lot of.....
by Allan Wall