Treachery Behind the Pulpit Endangers Lives Black Tea Partier Encourages Whites to Call Out Black Race Exploiters Is Hollywood on a mission to sexualize young girls? Are We Supposed To Be Wealthy?, Part 3
Let it be known: The pandering by the faint-hearted motley lot described below will cost human lives. The kowtowing before evil here in Los Angeles will have consequences on future battles in Israel and the Mid East. The hand of the barbarian is strengthened a thousandfold by acceptance and recognition from men who haven't the guts to say the truth, thereby lending a stamp of approval to murderous villains cavorting with......
by Rabbi Nachum Shifren
Folks, Freedom "ain't" free! God designed life so that anything worth having is worth fighting for. Yes, my white brother and sister patriots, you will suffer media hits for standing up for freedom. My fellow black patriots will suffer being called traitors and Uncle Toms. However, America is worth it. Also, both political parties and the media no longer hold all of the cards. There is a powerful new sheriff in town called the Tea Party Movement who "have the backs" of all who share our values.......
by Lloyd Marcus
Does that not make your blood boil? Where are the women’s rights groups on this terrible news? Specifically, where is the National Organization for Women (NOW)? They are the self-styled defenders of the female gender, are they not? We now know that exposing girls to sex at a young age is psychologically damaging. Feelings of shame, anxiety and depression result. Depression hurts! Eating disorders destroy lives! Yet......
by Marsha West
Not only did God reward Job for staying faithful to Him, he gave him double of what he had before. The Hebrew states Jehovah added to Job all that had been his, to double. Job was the richest man in the east and now he had twice the wealth that he had had before. That is how God repays those who stand for Him through all kinds of affliction......
by Pastor Roger Anghis
Sunday, 16 January 2011
January 16, 2011
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Britannia Radio