Loughner and the Arizona Shooting
Just as the Oklahoma Bombing occurred at the moment when the militias and the patriot movement were on the rise, and just as the president (Clinton) used the occasion to tell the American people to “come home to the government,” we now have a crime that's being used to turn the people away from the Tea Party and conservatism in general. Suddenly, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Michael Savage and others are the real reason Loughner went on a killing spree at the Safeway......
by Investigative Journalist Jon Rappoport
An Innovation Agenda to Challenge Obama
We can be privileged to live in the greatest nation on earth where the freedom to engage in industry and to innovate is protected against the ever present threat of government. We can restore sovereignty to the people and reassemble government into a servant, rather than a master. Only if we do so can we aspire to greatness, but if we do so there is no limit to our potential........
by Attorney Jonathan Emord
Stave off Globalism: Reinvigorate Constitutional Principles
We know how we got into this situation; we forgot to stay alert and hew to the values of our predecessors. Now we must ask how these trends can be reversed. How can we rid the Unites States of globalism? This is what every American now faces because, finally, many people have awakened and are now ready to seek answers. After all, a movement of decent, concerned people might begin to recapture the promise of the......
by Attorney Michael Shaw
America: Locked and Loaded—Guns, Speech and Madness
Finally, what have you done to stop the Iraq and Afghanistan wars? Answer: nothing, right?! That's why they continue 10 years later! This Republican form of government is not a spectator sport. You provide the vital ingredient to make it work. Why does violence continue on such a horrific and prolific level in the USA? Answer: we apathetically set the paradigm and we reap the obvious results......
by Frosty Wooldridge