Actions For All Today’s ‘Christianity’ – Nothing More Than Feelings Protection -- Whose Job is it? Triumph of the Image, Culture of Terror
Parents can’t impose God on their children. They can serve as models and create an appealing environment in which faith can flourish. But like the children of Israel, each individual must forge his or her own faith relationship. However, demanding certain actions is necessary for both families and businesses to remain cohesive......
by Rabbi Daniel Lapin
This may come as a shock to most Christians, but if you do a search of the less contemporary translations of scripture, the word “feelings” is virtually nonexistent. Where it does appear, it is cited as more of a superficial, even negative attribute than a positive; and yet, as we watch and listen to many from today’s churches, be they leaders or laymen, not only do we see a clear fixation on feelings, both physical and.......
by Paul Proctor
We need to step out of the victim mentality and start asserting correct defense responsibility by assuming the mantel of protector of ourselves and our loved ones. Until we do so we will continue to be ruled by madmen and idiots. Madmen who would endanger our lives directly and idiots who think laws will stop them. Laws are designed to bring the lawless to justice. Let’s stop wasting time passing laws on inanimate objects and deal with illegal behavior regardless of the tool used......
by Michael LeMieux
Manipulating electricity the basic pulse of creation, information technology, to the extent that it is not now taken for granted as part of the environment is a direct extension of the industrial age and its Faustian spirit. This drive to uncover or dis-clothes the secrets of nature and infuse them into a machine has led to an age of ‘total disclosure’ and full body scans that bare the form and structure of humans who, stripped of genuine freedom and integrity must submit to deconstruction......
by Dr. Eugene Narrett, Ph.D
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
January 26, 2011
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Britannia Radio