What do you think these Christ killers would do to JESUS? Taliban execute British aid worker Gayle Williams in Afghanistan reports, A British aid worker was shot dead in Afghanistan by two Taliban hitmen yesterday because she was a Christian. What part of “shot dead because she was a Christian” does the civilized world not understand? We reiterate phrases like “Christ killers” and “Christ killing jihadists” because militant “Muslims” routinely blood libel Jews by accusing Jews collectively of killing the founder of the Christian religion and, as depicted in one hate cartoon, conspiring to kill Jesus yet again. The truth is that, were Jesus to find himself in the 21st century, Israel is probably the ONLY country in the Middle East in which he would NOT be shot, hanged, stoned to death, or even crucified because, as shown by the murder of Gayle Williams, the Twenty-First Century’s Christ Killers all justify their violence under color of Islam. Gayle Williams’ murder, unfortunately, also underscores the impotence of the British So we loosed a bloomin’ volley, To our English-speaking brothers in the United Kingdom, WHERE IS YOUR SELF-RESPECT? The murderers of Gayle Williams should be gasping their lives out with British bayonets in their stomachs, jerking at the ends of ropes with broken necks, or even blown in half on the muzzles of cannons; that was how Sepoy mutineers were punished for murdering English civilians. Are you still the same people who stopped the Spanish Armada, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Hitler, or has socialism turned you all into docile steers? The fact that you allowed Iranian pirates to walk all over you a couple of years ago suggests the latter. Michael Savage is fond of playing the Kinks’ Living on a Thin Line to describe what has happened to a once-great country: All the stories have been toldJanuary 4, 2011
Taliban Executes British Woman for Being a Christian
by Bill LevinsonLion pussycat. There was a time when no Third World jungle savage would have dared raise his hand to a British woman; bad things happened to Third World jungle savages who did. As described by Rudyard Kipling,
An’ we made the beggars cut,
An’ when our pouch was emptied out.
We used the bloomin’ butt,
Ho! My!
Don’t yer come anigh,
When Tommy is a playin’ with the baynit an’ the butt.
Of kings and days of old,
But there’s no England now.
All the wars that were won and lost
Somehow don’t seem to matter very much anymore.
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
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Britannia Radio