Wednesday, 5 January 2011

January 5, 2011

Millions of Rebels Waiting to be Tapped
Across America, millions of people who believe in health freedom are either asleep or waiting for some trigger to move them into action. These people stand for the right to manage their health in any way they want to, without government intervention or imposed limits. This includes access to the full range of nutritional supplements, and access to alternative practitioners who have wandered off the conventional reservation......
by Jon Rappoport

Oxytocin May Offer Benefits in Treatment of Chronic Pain
Dr. Flechas learned that patients with fibromyalgia had only about one third the levels of DHEA that was present in normal persons. Nearly every patient he encountered advised him that that stress greatly intensified the symptoms. Patients with fibromyalgia who were free of symptoms often developed a severe recurrence of their symptoms when they found themselves in a new stressful situation. One patient was.......
by Dr. James Howenstine, MD

Wind in your Sails
There are many life-metaphors to be found in the wonderful world of boats. Boats and people both embark on journeys and both can reach their destinations or sink. When a boat is in the doldrums it is in that notorious windless zone near the equator. Old-time sailing vessels were often stuck there for weeks. When a person is listless and despondent, he is also said to be in the doldrums. But there is one major difference. While sailboats must await changing weather, humans have the.....
by Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Media Report Backlash to Pentagon PC in Honors Case
Having failed to inflate some Navy comedy videos into a national scandal, the major media are now reluctantly reporting that crew members of the USS Enterprise respect and defend their skipper, Captain Owen Honors, who stars in the videos and makes several off-color and anti-gay jokes. “Former Sailors Defend Embattled Capt. Honors” is the headline over a column on.......
by Cliff Kincaid

Napolitano promises to protect Afghan border, ignores US borders
During her New Year holiday trip, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano met with Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai to discuss securing the region surrounding the Afghan-Pakistani border. Secretary Napolitano reportedly reinterated America’s commitment to working with Afghanistan to disrupt, dismantle and defeat al Qaeda in the region. However, not everyone is oblivious to the comedy of Napolitano's Afghan visit......
by NWV News
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Passengers rebelling against airport security measures
It appears that in an effort to protect traveling Americans, while at the same time adhering to the liberal-left orthodoxy, on domestic and international commercial airline flights, new state-of-the-art body-scanners are now in use at airports throughout the nation. These admittedly intrusive devices leave nothing to the imagination when a man or woman is scanned, and should travelers resent being subjected to a full-body scan, they may opt to be "manually" frisked by airport security officers........
by Jim Kouri

What I Miss From 1984
As 2010 comes to a close, I am reminded just how much I miss certain things from the pre-1984 Democrat Party. I miss when some individual Democrat Congressmen and Senators could be trusted, were honorable, they could not be bought and you could bank on what they said. I miss the days when the Democrats were real Americans.....
by William Hunt, MS