Political Persecution at Its Worst in Small Town USA President Mack the Knife America's Creeping Revolution, Part 3 Post Says CIA Scandal Makes Obama Look Tough
No laws were broken, there is no victim, there are no witnesses and there isn’t even any complainant… in short, there is no crime - yet two citizens have spent much of the last year being arrested, brutalized by law enforcement, by prison inmates and by the press, run through a corrupt criminal justice system operating on pure political vengeance and jailed. For them, the story isn’t over yet.....
by JB Williams
May Day would be too obvious a moment to pick for the Liberal airwaves to broadcast three of our greatest American pop stars, Sinatra, Armstrong and Darren, singing Mack The Knife, but I guarantee you, should President Barack Obama be reinstated to a second term in office, Mack The Knife will seem to be all you hear. Bertolt Brecht, the savagely Communist playwright, sprang to his greatest American success with Louis Armstrong’s version of that legendary tribute to Communism’s Mephistopheles........
by Actor Michael Moriarty
The December 2010 The Schwarz Report had an article by David A. Noebel entitled “A Communist Rally in Washington, D.C.” which had more Communists in attendance than are found in Moscow’s Red Square! We all saw the rally called “One Nation Working Together” on October 2, 2010 sponsored by the Tides Center. Glenn Beck on Fox has mentioned it often. It receives millions of dollars from George Soros, which it passes on to progressive causes such as the Center for American Progress, which Communist Van Jones calls home. It also supports.....
by Betty Freauf
In the strange world of The Washington Post, the arrest of a former CIA officer on charges of helping Iran is another indication that the Obama Administration is tough on national security problems. “The indictment is the latest in a series of cases the Justice Department has brought against alleged leakers of government secrets since President Obama took office,” Post reporter Greg Miller reported. But the story reveals.....
by Cliff Kincaid
Saturday, 8 January 2011
January 8, 2011
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Britannia Radio