Saturday, 15 January 2011

JOhn Loeffler Steel Steel: In Defense of Conscience-Media Manipulation -Freedom of Speech, Religion.


In Defense of Conscience

Christian health care professionals are discovering increased pressure to perform procedures that violate their religious convictions and beliefs, resulting in discrimination in medical schools and hospitals. Dr. David Stevens, M.D., ( from the Christian Medical Association guests.

Then we'll open a new thread for the new year, narrating the current state of geopolitical trends. Brian Fitzpatrick from Worldnetdaily ( guests with an analysis of the recent U.S-Russia arms control treaty.

We'll close with news from the persecuted church in the Islamic world.

John's extended boralogue analyzes the verbal media battle that erupted on the talk channels following last week's tragedy in Tucson, Arizona, revealing how things today are far different than after the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, all due to changes in American