Mandelson: UK's biggest scrounger?
Friday, 21st January 2011
"The news that Baron Mandelson is taking up a job with Lazards will come as a great relief to taxpayers and an object lesson in welfare economics," said Nigel Farage today. More
Government gambles on NHS reform
Monday, 17th January 2011
UKIP Health Spokesman David Campbell Bannerman MEP has urged the Government to let doctors do their jobs, unhindered by bureaucratic demands, if there is to be any successful reform of the NHS. More
Stuart Wheeler in The Independent
Monday, 17th January 2011
He's the charming Old Etonian who made a fortune spread-betting, and gave £5m of it to the Tories. Now, he's snubbed them over Europe, and has switched loyalties to Ukip. The Independent on Sunday's Matthew Bell meets Stuart Wheeler. More
Friday, 21st January 2011
In the week that the NHS faces massive reform, the UK is opening its doors to hordes of health tourists from across the EU, says UKIP Leader Nigel Farage. More
EU reaches new depths to save Euro
Friday, 21st January 2011
Following an announcement that EU foreign affairs chief Baroness Ashton wants to lift the arms embargo against China, MEP David Campbell Bannerman accuses the EU of putting our national security at risk in order to save the Euro from collapse. More
Black Sea caution needed, says DCB
Thursday, 20th January 2011
UKIP MEP David Campbell Bannerman has warned that leading Turkey on regarding EU membership could have dire consequences.More
Cross-border healthcare a strain on NHS
Wednesday, 19th January 2011
The financial burden of offering cross-border healthcare in the UK to all EU citizens falls on the British taxpayer, UKIP MEP Gerard Batten points out. More
And you thought communism was bad!
Wednesday, 19th January 2011
The new Hungarian president of the EU, Viktor Orban, is warned by UKIP Leader Nigel Farage that although his country consigned communism to the dustbin he will still find plenty of communists in the European Parliament. More
Debt Union means misery for millions
Wednesday, 19th January 2011
UKIP Leader Nigel Farage says the EU's efforts in bailing out the failing economy of Portugal is not the solution to the failing Eurozone.More