Leftists, Sarah Palin and Vitriolic Rhetoric To Montana Senators Opposing "Sheriffs First" Bill SB-114 America's Creeping Revolution, Part 6 Are We Supposed To Be Wealthy?, Part 5
Has anyone noticed the vitriol directed at President Bush? Leftist pundits often blame Bush—in typically simpleminded fashion—for the economic meltdown of 2008. They continue to pound Sarah Palin mercilessly. Yet it is also a lie that only “right-wingers” hate, or display extremism. Michelle Malkin posted a column January 10 documenting leftist attacks in what she called, in a good counterpoint to Krugman, “the progressive climate of hate.”.....
by Steven Yates
Those who oppose SB 114-The Sheriffs First Bill have incorrectly expressed that the States are subservient to the federal government according to the United States Constitution (USC). However, nothing could be further from the truth regarding the political association and federal system designed by founding fathers like James Madison—the father of the USC—who was among the first State participants to pass a nullification bill against the federal government only one decade after the.......
by Attorney Timothy Baldwin
The current compassionate platform of Angela Davis as described in the Statesman Journal article says she has become an advocate for the abolition of prisons, an end to poverty and economic, racial and gender equality. It’s a well-known fact that the Muslims are recruiting in prisons and think of the possibilities for recruitment for the Marxists in prisons. As to the economic, racial and gender equality, the election of President Obama was proof racism is no longer a major problem. With regard to the.....
by Betty Freauf
This is telling us that a person that is not willing to work will become not just poor, but destitute. Now the person that is industrious will experience as different outcome. The Hebrew word used for “diligent” is charuwts and means diligent. Webster defines diligent as steady in application to business; constant in effort or exertion to accomplish what is undertaken; assiduous; attentive; industrious; not idle or negligent We can actually see this working for both the saved and the unsaved......
by Pastor Roger Anghis
Sunday, 30 January 2011
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Britannia Radio