Monday, 17 January 2011
Monthly reports on finance, business, trade,
economics, & political analysis
World Democracy in January 2011
This is the 20th World Audit of Democracy in this millennium
and we compare today’s statistics on 150 nations with those of 2001.
Our criteria are human rights, political rights, free speech and the absence of corruption. Our methodology is explained whereby we rank nations into four divisions.
Democracy is not doing well!
The evidence over ten years is that it has stalled. The nations who have not achieved democracy number one hundred and twelve. Of these, the thirty in our third division are capable of becoming fully democratic, and several are progressively heading in that direction.
Stasis not progress!
But eighty two nations, well over half the world’s nations – the fourth division of our study - are mostly a long way off. Most, although not all of their rulers are opposed to democracy for their nations. Ten years ago that number was eighty four!
……..and the winners are
There are thirty eight nations in our first and second divisions that are fully democratic. Ten years back it was thirty six. The top scores for democracy in this years study go equally to Denmark, Sweden & Finland. We congratulate the winners and the lucky citizens of these progressive countries.
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Posted by Britannia Radio at 18:00