President Barack Obama is bent on bringing Hizballah officials to justice for their role in the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri in Beirut five years ago – even after they toppled the Lebanese government. If a transitional government in Beirut declares the international tribunal – STL – invalid, Washington intends to obtain its authorization for trying Hizballah suspects in abstentia, DEBKAfile reports. Prime Minister Hariri flew Thursday from Paris to Ankara.
But Hizballah may outmaneuver him by forming its own government in Beirut.
A new mainstay for Iranian intelligence – the Turkish MIT secret service.
First signs that the Ben Ali regime is in peril, depending on the military.
Friday, 14 January 2011
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report January 13, 2011, 9:41 AM (GMT+02:00)
Lebanese crisis over STL Pre-Trial Judge Daniel Fransen
Obama Confronts Iran in Lebanon
Iran Takes Aim at New Mossad Head
Deadly Riots in Tunisia
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