Sunday, 9 January 2011

Prof. Eugene Narrett is the author of five books about cultural history and Israel related issues. His latest book is
Culture of Terror: The Collapse of America (May 2009).

Dr. Narrett blogs at

Dr. Narrett is available to lecture and his services are available as an editor or co-writer of fiction or non-fiction projects.

For more information please contact Dr. Narrett at



By Dr. Eugene Narrett

Readers of Tehillim ("Psalms") frequently encounter the word, “selah” for example, in the verse, “He answers me from His holy mountain, Selah” (3:5). Some people are not entirely clear about the interpretation of this term.

Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch (1808 - 1888) comments that “selah is a notation at the close of a thought directing one to reflect upon its enduring significance."

The enduring significance of this thought indeed is of vital importance to Israel and all the world.

Consider then the entire verse:

With my voice I call out to Hashem [the Eternal, L-rd], and He answers me from His holy mountain, Selah.

King David wrote and no doubt sang this song during the rebellion of Absalom (2 Samuel 13 - 19). Israel today also is threatened by those who should sustain and extend its dominion. The key here however, the point of enduring significance is that when one of the Children of Israel, particularly a leader of Israel calls out to Hashem he will be answered by Hashem, -- “from His holy mountain.” For this answer to be clear to Israel the holiness of the mountain must be sustained as enumerated in Yad HaHazakah, the Mishneh Torah of Rambam. These are not policy options but commandments that acknowledge, proclaim and sustain the Eternal One's holiness in the world.

For example the positive commandments (25), "to build His chosen house"; (21) “to revere this house”; (22) “to keep watch over this house continuously”; (29) “to keep a fire burning on the altar” (39) “to offer the tamid offerings each day,” (84) “to sacrifice all the offerings in His chosen house” and, on the forbidden side (lo ta'aseh # 65) “Not to destroy the Temple...” One who consults Mishneh Torah will find approximately 170 miztvot [commandments] that pertain to the integrity and service of His chosen house on His holy mountain. That is, the Holy Temple on the Temple Mount [Mount Moriah, Har HaBayit].

Regular readers of my essays and blog know the condition of the holy mountain today and in the 43 or so years since Israel regained control of it. Students of history know that it could have been regained in 1948. The point of enduring significance is that for a leader of Israel to be heard in his distress for the integrity of Israel, Hashem will answer him “from His holy mountain.” But if the mountain is in a state of chillul[desecration] the answer, if it is not withheld or delayed, will not be clear.

Just as was Sinai, the mountain must be bound and sanctified for the answer to be given so it can be followed. The few quotations from Rambam indicate the kind of observance that is needed, selah.

We need not ‘re-invent the wheel’; Chumash, Rambam and Rabbi Hirsch cannot and need not be re-written. Regarding one current issue, lo ta'aseh 51 states, “not to allow the worshippers of false gods to settle in our land” (from Shemot, Exodus 23:33). Similarly Hashem answers “from His holy mountain” which must be maintained in a state of holiness. There is work to be done; that is the key thing in Judaism notwithstanding all our studies, doing as when the people said, “all the things that Hashem has spoken we will do!” (Shemot 19:8).

Note: Translations from are Tehillim by Rabbi Hillel Danziger (Mesorah; 1988); translations from Mishneh Torah are by Rabbi Eliyahu Touger (Moznaim; 1989)


Prof. Eugene Narrett is the author of five books about cultural history and Israel-related issues. His latest book is Culture of Terror: The Collapse of America (May 2009). Dr. Narrett blogs Dr. Narrett is available to lecture and his services are available as an editor or co-writer of fiction or non-fiction projects. For more information please contact Dr. Narrett at