Friday, 7 January 2011


“The correct conclusion in my view is that we need to be pre-emptive in avoiding these types of problems in the future. Monetary policy should not be aimed at cleaning up a mess, but leaning against the wind to avoid the mess in the future.”
Stephen Roach, chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia, March 30, 2010


Credit Bubble Bulletin

by Doug Noland | Dec 31

Year in Review

Stocks were mixed for the week, while commodities added to already impressive 2010 gains.

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The Bear's Lair

by Martin Hutchinson | Jan 3

Multipolar World

Expected instability now that the global economy no longer is dominated by the United States.

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Featured Commentary

by Neeraj Chaudhary | Dec 27

No, Mr. Krugman, You're Eating America Alive

He has one answer to every problem: eat more taxpayers. He is the walking undead of the New Deal era.

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Guest Commentary

by Peter Schiff | Jan 5

Forever Stamps Tell Us Much

Forever stamps allow the Post Office to hide its insolvency behind phony accounting numbers, setting itself up for a massive taxpayer financed bailout.

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