READ THE NEWS ON ONE CLICK 1. Lies Damned Lies And Swine Flu Statistics Exposed! READ THE NEWS ON ONE CLICK
Welcome to the Winter 2011 pantomime: Much a Flu About Nothing - otherwise known as the mass PR campaign to sell H1N1 influenza vaccines. A goal well worth pursuing if you stand to profit from it with annual revenues estimated to be in the region of US$ 4.8 billion. The number of deaths associated with influenza/influenza like illness (ILI) in the UK in 2010 according to the HPA is tiny - only 39, of which 36 were due to H1N1 'swine flu' and 3 to Influenza B. The mainstream media appears to taking each of these 39 cases and attempting to create sufficient fear and panic to try to motivate 10's of millions of people including pregnant women, babies and infants to have a controversial vaccination consisting of both seasonal influenza and H1N1 strains. What this amounts to for a very, very small number of deaths (just 36 in the UK in 2010), is massive risks being taken with a vaccine that does not have full safety data from clinical tr ials. So for those out there considering a flu shot - think about the risks vs. the benefits - the risks of adverse events to you and your children and the benefits going to corporations and corpora-governments to the tune of US $5 billion sales a year. One Click Note: Reading this multi-referenced health article containing influenza data, clinical trials results and adverse vaccine events could literally help to save your life and those of your children this winter. The sheer irresponsibility of how the UK government, the mainstream media and the pharmaceutical industry conjoined have been running their Swine Flu Campaign to purposefully mislead the general public is little short of terrifying. And they do it for money.MUST READ of the month doesn't even begin to describe the impact of this document.
Lara, The One Click Group
Related Links:
* Beware UK Government Swine Flu Media Terror Campaign
The One Click Group
2. Aftenposten Breaks WikiLeaks' Monopoly Media Cartel
Aftenposten's editor-in-chief, Hilde Haugsgjerd,
elaborated on her media company's access to
the WikiLeaks documents
The editor of Oslo-based newspaper Aftenposten, Hilde Haugsgjerd, was fending off reaction Tuesday to a commentary she wrote on her paper’s access to all of the more than 250,000 diplomatic cables initially leaked to the non-profit organization WikiLeaks. She had called it a “paradox” that WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange reportedly is angry that Aftenposten now can report freely from the leaked cables. She wrote that Aftenposten’s own access to the cables, with no strings attached, “destroyed Assange’s own strategy for when and how documents about international conflicts and themes should be made public.” WikiLeaks, Haugsgjerd claimed, had a media plan to “secure themselves the best possible coverage and contribute to the most international debate possible around the leak’s content.” Aftenposten, she noted is not adhering to WikiLeaks’ plan, which sh e referred to as a “news monopoly” that involved a consortium of international media outlets. One Click Note: Currently the WikiLeaks cables data fed to the public is being selected, analysed, filtered, edited, redacted and promoted by the very same mainstream media monopoly that has consistently failed to deliver transparency and truth for decades. If the WikiLeaks information continues to be delivered exclusively through the fractured mainstream media monopoly prism that so many have grown to rightly distrust, the organisation will begin to lose both support and finance from the general public. Attempting to both run with the hare and hunt with the monopoly media hounds simultaneously inevitably leads to credibility loss.
Nina Berglund, Views & News From Norway
Related Links:
* WikiLeaks And The Mainstream Media - Who Is Using Whom?
The One Click Group
* Norwegian Newspaper Gains Full Unlimited Access Scoop To All US Embassy/WikiLeaks Cables
Nina Berglund, Views & News From Norway
3. 8 Smears And Misconceptions About WikiLeaks Spread By The Media
The corporate media's tendency to blare misinformation and outright fabrications has been particularly egregious in coverage of WikiLeaks. As Glenn Greenwald has argued, mainstream news outlets are parroting smears and falsehoods about the whistleblower site and its founder Julian Assange, helping to perpetuate a number of "zombie lies" -- misconceptions that refuse to die no matter how much they conflict with known reality, basic logic and well-publicized information. We publish a list of the bogus narratives that keep appearing in newspapers and on the airwaves. The promise that the next release will target a U.S. bank, and that it will have an effect similar to the Enron disclosures, according to Assange, certainly portends that the trove of information we haven’t yet seen could be explosive. And that is incredibly valuable to the American public. The effort to tar Assange as a criminal -- spearheaded by government officials and helped along by the media -- may have a chilling effect on future whistleblowers.
Julianne Escobedo Shepherd & Tana Ganeva, AlterNet
4. A Nobel Peace Prize Winner Torturing Bradley Manning
The government of the United States is torturing a young man -- one of its own soldiers -- whom it has incarcerated but not indicted. He has been held in solitary confinement for months on end, subjected to techniques of sleep deprivation taken from the Soviet gulag, denied almost all human contact except from interrogators, constantly harassed by guards to whom he must answer every few minutes -- all in an attempt to break his mind, destroy his will, degrade his humanity and force him to "confess" to a broader "conspiracy" against state power. His name is Bradley Manning. He is 23 years old. The "crime" he is accused of committing is releasing video evidence of an American atrocity committed years ago in Iraq: the murder of Iraqi civilians by helicopter gunships. Under the American system of jurisprudence, of course, he is considered innocent until proven guilty of this heinous 'crime' of truth-telling. He has not been tried or convicted of this charge, or any other crime. Yet in the tenth year of the 21st century in the United States of America, under the leadership of the Nobel Peace Prize laureate Barack Obama, 23-year-old Bradley Manning is being subjected to same tortures routinely inflicted on other unindicted, untried captives of the militarist state.
Chris Floyd, CounterCurrents
Related Links:
* Should Obama Give His Nobel Peace Prize Back?
Mark LeVine. Aljazeera
* On Bradley Manning, Solitary Confinement And Selective Outrage
Jean Casella & James Ridgeway, Solitary Watch
5. Multiple Pfizer / Chantix Smoking Gun Lawsuits Hit USA Birmingham Court
Nearly 1,200 lawsuits nationwide against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc. over its anti-smoking drug Chantix are being handled in U.S. District Court in Birmingham. U.S. District Judge Inge Johnson is overseeing pre-trial activity in the cases in which smokers and their families claim that Chantix left them with a variety of psychological problems. More suits are being filed daily from across the country. In some cases, families say their loved ones committed suicide after taking the drug. Since Johnson was appointed, the number of Chantix cases filed in federal court has grown from 37 to nearly 1,200 as of Monday, according to court records. Last week, 26 were filed and a few officials said the number is expected to eventually top 2,000 cases. About 60 percent of the cases filed nationwide so far allege an overt act of injury to themselves, either suicide or attempted suicide, said Ernest Cory, a Birmingham lawyer who is the lead plaintiffs' counsel for all cases filed in federal courts across the country. "That is a scary number of folks," he said.
Kent Faulk, The Birmingham News
6. XMRV: A Human Retrovirus With Unknown Pathogenic Potential, Not A Lab Contaminant
The recent proclamation that “XMRV is not the cause of CFS,” came from an individual who did laboratory experiments to show how PCR experiments can become contaminated. These results have nothing to do with the reality of a disease or the methods used by those who have detected XMRV in the blood and tissue of patients found to be infected. The positive studies, which cannot be explained away by PCR experiments, are those which have used multiple methods to show that XMRV is a live replicating gamma retrovirus in human blood and tissue samples using the gold standard methods of viral isolation and antibody testing, in addition to PCR. Authors of the positive XMRV studies have been extremely careful not to claim causality, realizing that more scientific research is required to make such a statement. However, one fact still remains clear. Not one of the negative studies changes the results of the scientific research done by Lombardi et al., Lo et al., Urisman et al., and Schlaberg et al. Most significantly, the recent Retrovirology publications failed to address the most important pieces of scientific evidence of human infection in the previous XMRV studies, including the fact that XMRV positive patients produce human antibodies to gamma retroviruses, XMRV integrates into human tissues, and infectious virus has been cultured from the blood of hundreds of patients with a diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and M.E. Humans do not make antibody responses to mouse DNA sequences from contaminated lab experiments. WPI’s collaborative research projects are revealing the infectious and inflammatory nature of neuro-immune diseases, providing strong evidence against the use of CBT and exercise therapy as rational “treatments” for those who are ill. Such knowledge underscores the urgent need for much more private and federal funding of biological research to provide diagnostic tests and effective drug therapies for the millions who are ill, stop the spread of infectious retrovirus(es), and end the devastating cycle of disease.
Annette Whittemore, President, Whittemore Peterson Institute
Related Links:
* Detection of an Infectious Retrovirus, XMRV, in Blood Cells of Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Judy A. Mikovits et al, 10.1126/science.1179052, Science Express
* Presence Of Murine Leukemia Virus Found In Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients
FDA Press Release
* Detection of MLV-related virus gene sequences in blood of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and healthy blood donors (FULL TEXT)
Shyh-Ching Lo, Harvey J. Alter et al PNAS
* Red Cross Bars Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Patients From Donating Blood
Rob Stein, The Washington Post
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
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