America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag By Olivia Rodan Jacobs, author of Jerusalem 3000 THE POISONER’S AGENDA. Olivia tells me she is an avid reader of Israpundit. U.N. Resolution and Political Correctness Aim to Curtail Freedom of Speech in the West By Matthew M. Hausman Freedom of speech is a right that is often taken for granted in the West, but one that is essential for the continuity of democratic society. It is also an endangered species that is currently under stealth attack by religious extremism masquerading as multicultural tolerance. As the United Nations recently called for member states to ratify the “Defamation of Religions Resolution,” as European nations enact legislation to designate as hate speech the critical discussion of specific religions, and as the political left blames western democracies for inflaming Islamist passions by refusing to submit to doctrinal totalitarianism, the right to speak freely is being threatened by a culture of political correctness in which progressive policymakers seek rapprochement with the Arab-Muslim world. By Ted Belman Recently on Israpundit, Yamit took Christianity to task for many hundreds or years of antisemitism and characterized the recent turn of some Christian denominations to supporting Jews and Israel as recent only thereby suggesting that we should wait for a couple hundreds years to see it this change becomes permanent. In any event many Christian denominations remain antisemitic and anti-Israel and support the BDS movement. The Catholic Church is still found wanting. One RC friend, Rongrand, understands where Yamit is coming from and takes no issue with him. Another RC friend American Eagle, calls Rongrand a “brown noser” for so doing and Yamit an “anti-Christian bigot” and ‘racist”. He does so in almost all his comments dealing with Yamit. His explanation to Rongrand as to where he is coming from is telling. “However, I have no such guilt trip. To begin with whatever some ancient Christians did had nothing to do with me or... By watching this two part video of her recent speech you will learn of her great appeal and also of the battle lines for the next two years. T. Belman Compliments of Anglo Saxon Raannana Real Estate Quote for the Week “I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom.” Bob Dylan American poet and songwriter. (Our young women translate this nostrum into action. ) * We’ll start with the GN story of the day, the week, the month and probably the year. Israel is a high tech super power and there’s no denying that; it has been a chicken schnitzel champ for years and now for the first time it is in the enviable position of being a natural gas power to be reckoned with, with the confirmation yesterday of the presence of a huge deposit of natural gas sitting below its shore in the Leviathan gas field. Estimates show that the find contains 16 trillion cubic feet of gas whose monetary value ranges from $US45bn to $US90bn depending on which report you read. Fact is that Leviathan officially became the biggest deep-water gas discovery in the whole world for the... By The Associated Press and Haaretz Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said his new attempt to get the United Nations to condemn Israeli settlements in the West Bank was specifically designed to win U.S. support. The Palestinians have drafted a proposal and are lobbying for a Security Council resolution that would declare West Bank settlements illegal and an “obstacle to peace.” The U.S. has said it does not support the move. Israel has said it’s an attempt by the Palestinians to avoid negotiations. Speaking in Brazil on Thursday, Abbas said the Palestinian draft used the “same words” as U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has in criticizing settlements. Phyllis Chesler, FrontPageMag His name—one of five aliases—is Noureddine Malki. He pretended to be from Lebanon, the persecuted son of a Muslim father and a Christian mother, and on this basis allegedly sought and received asylum in America, naturalized citizenship, and a job as an Arabic translator for the Army. He received top secret clearance and was working in Iraq where he took bribes from various Sunni sheikhs and passed classified information on to them. I love our kids Green light org. (Prevent traffic accidents) yes glee flash mob Tel AvivReview of Sarah Palin’s new book,
Although I thoroughly enjoyed Sarah Palin’s autobiographical book, GOING ROGUE, I was initially disappointed when I picked up AMERICA BY HEART and realized this wasn’t going to be an anecdotal STORY book but a serious explanation of the ideology that governs Sarah’s life–and by her analysis, also shaped the founding fathers of our nation and still inspires the majority of hard-working Americans today. Fortunately, I found her writing style not only kept me enthralled but also made understanding her point of view easy.
I wondered if Palin’s personal faith would narrow her view of America. I need not have worried. Her references to the founding fathers’ faith was not narrowly parochial but simply pointed to their insistence on the Creator as the source of all...Freedom of speech under attack
As it has done for a number of years, the United Nations recently put the...Is Christianity to blame?
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Palestinian draft condemning Israeli settlements designed to win U.S. support
Judaeophobia vs Islamophobia
Although he was loyal to a Middle Eastern country, the American military hired him as an intelligence officer and translator anyway—partly because he knew an important Middle East language. Nevertheless, he was a poor choice. This man passed classified documents to “insurgents” in Iraq who were battling American forces; he also had conversations with members of Al Qaeda and kept their documents on his computer.
He was caught, tried and, in 2008, sentenced to—ten years. Currently, Noureddine Malki (if...A Day at the mall: Hadera and TelAviv
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Jerusalem, Israel
Saturday, 1 January 2011
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