Sarah Palin was subjected to a blood libel
By Ted Belman
Many Jews, beginning with Abe Foxman, have been criticizing Sarah Palin, what else is new, for using the term “blood libel”. Evidently they believe Jews have an exclusive on the term. I don’t. I agree with the following.
Statement of Jewish American for Sarah Palin regarding Gov. Palin’s use of term ‘blood libel’.
Sarah Palin got it right.
Falsely accusing someone of shedding blood is the definition of a blood libel – whether it’s the medieval Church accusing Jews of baking blood in Passover matzos, or contemporary Muslim extremists accusing Israel of slaughtering Arabs to harvest their organs – or our political partisans blaming conservative political figures and talk show hosts for the Tucson massacre.
In medieval Europe, beginning with the Norwich blood libel of 1144, such accusations were used to incite mob violence against Jewish communities. Blood libels also appeared in the Arab world, as recently as the infamous...
Don’t divide Jerusalem or Judea and Samaria
By Ted Belman
I went on a tour yesterday of part of Jerusalem which included the Shepherd hotel of Sheikh Jarrah as well as part of the Shimon HaTzaddik neighborhood. The organization KeepJerusalem.org who organized the tour is dedicated to educating people, mostly Israelis, on how impossible it would be to divide the city. I am not now able to report on the whole conversation and hopefully I will find the time to do so.
Today this Haaretz article caught my eye.
Would East Jerusalem Arabs rather be citizens of Israel or Palestine?
In new survey, 35% say they are willing to relocate if their neighborhoods become part of a future Palestinian state; only 30% say they would prefer Palestinian citizenship over Israeli.
This credible survey suggests that only 30% of Arabs living in the eastern part of the city want to be part of a Palestinian state. That’s no reason to divide the city. The international community should support Israel’s claim to all of the city....
Michael Coren Show shows support for the EDL and the JDL
It gets better as it goes along.
Radical Muslims in America: All the Benefits and Still Turning to Jihad
Raymond Ibrahim:
… Holder’s assertion that “the terrorists only have to be successful once” has important implications: aside from the obvious — that it only takes one strike to create devastation on U.S. soil — it is also a reminder that when people argue that most American Muslims are moderate, and only a few are radical, it does not help our security. It took nineteen to commit 9/11; and we have already seen that some American Muslims are radical. According to Holder, in the last two years, 50 of the 126 people charged with terrorism were U.S. citizens. …
Continue reading Radical Muslims in America…
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel