The 10 families who are costing us an astonishing £1m a year between them just in housing benefits 1 IN 10 WILL BE MUSLIM IN 20 YEARS Number of British Muslims will double to 5.5m in 20 years Cameron: Recovery will take years DAVID CAMERON: MIGRANT BOOM 'HELPED WRECK OUR ECONOMYA selection of recent media reports
Ten families in England are sharing an astonishing £1million a year in housing benefits, it emerged last night.
Daily Mail (29-Jan-2011)
BRITAIN S soaring Muslim population will double to 5.5million by 2030, forecasters have...
Daily Star (Gary Nicks, Political Editor) (29-Jan-2011)
The Muslim population in the UK will almost double to 5.5million within 20 years, it was claimed last night.
DailyMail (28-Jan-2011)
David Cameron will warn today it will take several 'tough' years to repair Britain's battered...
This is Money (By James Chapman and Sean Poulter) (28-Jan-2011)
DAVID Cameron will today say that unsustainable levels of immigration helped fuel the boom.
Sunday Express (Macer Hall, Political Editor) (28-Jan-2011)
Sunday, 30 January 2011
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Britannia Radio