Man guilty of East Sussex sham marriage on the run Sham wedding organiser 'married off his pregnant girlfriend for £15,000' Illegal workers arrested at Greater Manchester takeaways UK seeks to raise language entry levels Schoolgirl, 15, dies from TB after Government warns immigration has caused rates to soar in city Asylum seekers 'lost without trace' ONE IN 7 ASYLUM SEEKERS ON RUN Scrap bonus for UK Border Agency chief, MPs say Asylum seeker jailed over benefits Sham marriage exposed... after bride-to-be caught in bed with another man on eve of wedding DENYING AN ETHNIC LINK IN SEX GANGS CASE IS BLINKERED UK authorities 'concerned' about mass emigration from Ireland ISLAM THREATENS OUR NATIONAL IDENTITY SAY FRENCH AND GERMANSA selection of recent media reports
Liberian national Mikael Prince, 27, was tried in his absence at Hove Crown...
BBC News England (12-Jan-2011)
Sham wedding organiser Vladymyr Buchak married off his pregnant girlfriend to.
Metro (METRO REPORTER) (12-Jan-2011)
Four illegal workers have been arrested in raids on two takeaways in Greater..
BBC News UK (11-Jan-2011)
Proposals for tougher visa requirements put language skills at centre of bid..
Guardian Unlimited - Education (Max de Lotbinière) (11-Jan-2011)
A 15-year-old schoolgirl has died from tuberculosis in Birmingham, a month...
Mail Online (Daily Mail Reporter) (11-Jan-2011)
At least 60,000 asylum seekers will be lost without trace as the UK... (11-Jan-2011)
BRITAIN S border chiefs have been slammed in a scathing report today which... (By Anil Dawar) (11-Jan-2011)
Home affairs select committee says agency head should not be paid more than... (Alan Travis) (11-Jan-2011)
An asylum seeker who claimed she had been gang-raped in Somalia has...
Press Association (10-Jan-2011)
This is the first picture of a blushing bride who was rumbled on the eve of...
Mail Online (Daily Mail Reporter) (10-Jan-2011)
THE hypocrisy of the politically correct brigade is truly nauseating.
Scottish Daily Express (Leo McKinstry) (10-Jan-2011)
Ireland 'not providing employment opportunities for graduates' MASS emigration from Ireland over the coming year has been identified as a key concern to UK authorities in a policy document drawn up to examine the future of immigration into...
Sunday Tribune (09-Jan-2011)
ISLAM is considered a threat by millions of French and Germans and most... (By Peter Allen) (07-Jan-2011)
Thursday, 13 January 2011
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Britannia Radio