Jewish Funds for Justice: genuinely outraged over Glenn Beck, or hired gun for George Soros? Jewish Funds for Justice recently published a full page ad in the Wall Street Journal–an ad that must have cost thousands of dollars–to call upon Rupert Murdoch to “Sanction Glenn Beck.” Jewish Funds for Justice failed to disclose a potential conflict of interest, namely the fact that it has received a considerable amount of money from George Soros. Although we would not have joined Glenn Beck in saying that George Soros actually helped send Jews to death camps, it is a fact that Soros helped Nazis confiscate Jewish property. Although Soros may have had to do this to avoid being sent to a death camp himself, there is an open question as to what, if anything, he did to return this property after the Nazis were defeated. Furthermore, he said openly that he felt no guilt about doing this. KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this... The growing menace of endogenic Judeo-phobia – or how Jews fan the flames of hatred against their own. “Thy destroyers and thy demolishers shall emerge from within thee.” – Isaiah 49:17 “When people criticize Zionists they mean Jews; you are talking anti-Semitism” – attributed to Martin Luther King Jr., Harvard, 1968 Finally a belated realization is beginning to dawn on the nation. The pace is still far too slow, the scale far too small, and one can only hope that it will not turn out to be “too little too late.” But at least some semblance of awareness is beginning to emerge that decades of delegitimization as the nation-state of the Jews comprise the gravest strategic danger Israel faces. In his column “Yes to prosecuting subversion, no to McCarthyism” (January 13), Isi Leibler gave an commendably accurate diagnosis of the malaise and its roots: “We largely have ourselves to blame for enabling our adversaries to succeed in... by Roger L Simon, PAJAMAS MEDIA Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes interviewed Soros about his “youth.” Given the rabbis’ WSJ ad, it seems worth reprinting a transcript of a significant part of that interview here: KROFT: (Voiceover) And you watched lots of people get shipped off to the death camps. Mr. SOROS: Right. I was 14 years old. And I would say that that’s when my character was made. Mr. SOROS: That one should think ahead. One should understand and–and anticipate events and when–when one is... By Zinovi Krapivensky Many people asking themselves questions: “who is governing Israel, how did it happen that the Government, the High Court and the Media are conducting a policy intended to hand over the country to their enemies?” “Is this total madness, or a well-considered strategy directed at the destruction of Israel?” How does one answer these questions? Since creation of the State of Israel more than 60 years ago, the world’s initiatives have been concentrated on the elimination of that state, as well as the Jewish nation in its entirety. These activities are considered to be significant steps toward solving the problems of humanity such as terrorism, poverty, inequity and providing world peace. These activities are performed by two distinct forces – internal and external. The latter represented by the UN, the Quartet, the Arab League, Hamas, the PA etc, and this is more or less understandable; however, the essence and dynamics of the internal destructive... Compliments of Anglo Saxon Ra’anana Real Estate “Medical science has proven time and again that when the resources are provided, great progress in the treatment, cure, and prevention of disease can occur.” Michael J Fox (a Canadian–American actor, author, comedian and producer, who was diagnosed with Parkinson´s disease and has become an advocate for medical research. ) · We’re starting this issue of the GN by turning the spotlight on what our scientists have been doing in the past couple of weeks. To be more accurate we’re talking about what they’ve been announcing in the said period because what they do takes infinitely longer than a fortnight. So here goes: · It’s the stuff that horror films are made of; monster bacterial mutants that have developed immunity to antibiotics, and are striking down the human race as we know it, in the process. Quel horreur!! These canny bacteria, you see, know how... By CAROLINE B. GLICK, The Jerusalem Post As long as Livni remains powerful and loyal to their agenda, forces in the US gov’t that despise the Jewish state will be able to rest easy. Two documents reported on this week shed a troubling light on the US government’s attitude toward Israel. The first is a 27-page FBI search warrant affidavit from 2004 targeting then-senior AIPAC lobbyist Steve Rosen, published Wednesday in The Washington Times. The second is WikiLeaks’ leaked secret State Department cable from October 2008 signed by then-secretary of state Condoleezza Rice directing US officials to spy on Israel. The text of the FBI affidavit directed against Rosen makes clear that the FBI had no particular reason to suspect that he was an Israeli agent or was harming US national security. Rosen’s activities during his tenure... [I wrote about him in The Unholy US/Muslim Alliance] Which race is Islam again? Conflating Islam with race is most pervasive in Britain, where it serves as an all-purpose weapon to beat down any criticism of Islam. Who could imagine that a judge would apply the same deceitful tactic in dhimmitude resisting Switzerland? Another Victory for Islam: A lecture tour of the Israeli journalist and Jewish theologian Avi Lipkin (alias Victor Mordecai – photo) before the minaret vote in Switzerland will cost him dearly. Lipkin warned at that time, minarets were not church towers, but ”nails in the coffin of the west”and explained on the basis of definitions in the Bible that Allah exhibits rather the characteristics of Satan than the God of the Bible. ... [ I thought we were abandonning concessions based diplomacy:] Netanyahu preps peace-building measures for PA ahead of expected criticism from Quartet Israel’s forum of seven senior ministers discussed the proposed gestures to the Palestinians this week. Netanyahu, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and minister Dan Meridor supported the gestures, while ministers Benny Begin, Moshe Ya’alon, Avigdor Lieberman and Eli Yishai objected. The gestures are expected to consist of easing the blockade on Gaza, removing roadblocks in the West Bank and enabling the PA to take over land required to build the new town Rawabi. Israel will also approve a number of infrastructure projects advanced by Quartet envoy Tony Blair in the West Bank and Gaza. I can live with it. Especially if we are liberated to build our own and buy and sell anywhere. The US could always include support of Israel in their defense budget. But this is a huge political issue. The Left who complain that Israel is the biggest recipient of such aid will now attack Republicans for denying Israel such aid. Our great “friends” like J street and NJDC are already chiming in. On the other hand, the Republicans are in a bad spot. They have no choice but to refute Paul. This will become a very big wedge issue. T. Belman WASHINGTON (JTA) — U.S. Sen. Rand Paul wants to end all foreign assistance, including aid to Israel. Paul, a Republican newly elected in Kentucky, was on CNN Wednesday outlining where he would cut the $500 billion in government spending he says is critical to sustaining the U.S. economy. His focus was on the departments of energy, education and housing. Interviewer Wolf Blitzer then asked about foreign assistance, asking if he wanted... Soros Funds for Justice Slams Glenn Beck
by Bill LevinsonBY THY OWN HANDS
By MARTIN SHERMAN Rabbis Spend $100K to Slam Beck for Slamming Soros
Four-hundred lib rabbis — the kind that give sanctimonious sermons about the environment at Westchester synagogues — have banded together to slam Glenn Beck with a $100K ad in the Wall Street Journal. According to the clerics, Beck has been unfairly attacking George Soros for collaborating with the Nazis in WWII when the billionaire was a fourteen-year old — something that Soros himself admits and, incredibly, doesn’t feel guilty about.
KROFT: In what way?Israel: left and right
Good News, Israel
Quote for the WeekRichard Falk gets his comuppence
US treats Israel as the banana republic
Both indicate that in certain quarters of the American government, Israel is viewed as at best a banana republic and at worst an enemy of the US.Avi Lipkin sentenced in Switzerland for “racism against Islam”
Telling the truth about Islam causes Islamically mandated hissy fits, and the soldiers of Allah, who are always eager to wage litigation jihad against truth-tellers, took the matter to court.Netanyahu back to concessions based diplomacy
Rand Paul: End foreign aid, including Israel
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Saturday, 29 January 2011
After UNW Exposes Noxious Remarks, U.N. Official Richard Falk Roundly Condemned by U.N. Chief, U.S. Gov’t, and Media Worldwide
Chronology of Events
Thursday, Jan. 20: UN Watch takes action and files complaint with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, demanding he condemn Richard Falk, the U.N. Human Rights Council’s permanent investigator on “Israel’s violations of the principles of international law,” for his latest remarks suggesting that the U.S. government – and not Al Qaeda terrorists — destroyed the World Trade Center. The protest came as part of UN Watch’s 3-year campaign to expose and combat Falk’s denial and justification of Hamas and Al Qaeda terrorism, and his material support for 9/11 conspiracy theorists. At the daily U.N. press briefing, when Matthew Lee of Inner City Press asks for a response, the...
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