Government agencies and media: The full article is available upon request. For the full document, send an email with "New Issue of Inspire-Anwar Al-Awlaki" in the subject line to PLEASE NOTE: In order for your request to be considered, you MUST provide your organization/unit/media outlet and affiliation. We cannot respond to requests without this information. In a new fatwa issued in the lead article of the fourth issue of Inspire magazine, which was published on January 16, 2011, Yemeni-American jihadi cleric Anwar Al-Awlaki encourages jihadists living in the West to assist the financing of jihadi activities through any means possible, including theft, embezzlement and seizure of property. The U.S. government, and U.S. citizens are singled out as prime targets for these acts. Following are the main points and excerpts from the article: In an attempt to deal with the cash-shortage jihadist groups are facing, Al-Awlaki gives religious justification to any actions used by jihadists to obtain money. In the article, titled “The Ruling on Dispossessing the Disbelievers’ Wealth in Dar Al-Harb”, He deals with the issue by ruling that Western countries are considered Dar Al-Harb, i.e. the territory of war, countries on which the rules of war apply. Since this is the case, Al-Awlaki says Muslims living in the West are not bound by any laws or contracts that prohibit them to harm their countries of residence: “It is the consensus of our scholars that the property of the disbelievers in dar al-harb is halal [permissible] for the Muslims and is a legitimate target for the mujahidin.” Special Dispatch |3516 |January 16, 2011
Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor Project
Inspire 4: Jihadi Cleric Anwar Al-Awlaki to Jihadists Living in the West: Obtain Money By Any Means Possible, Especially from the U.S. Government and its Citizens.
Sunday, 16 January 2011
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Britannia Radio