The 2007 Lisbon Treaty has given the European Commission greater powers to draw up new laws Sunday January 9,2011 MPs will be powerless to prevent Ministers signing away sweeping controls over policing and justice to Brussels, despite the European Union Bill currently going through Parliament. The legislation, due to reach its crucial Committee Stage on Tuesday, is supposed to stop the drain of sovereign powers to Brussels without a referendum or Parliamentary approval. However damning research by respected independent think tank Open Europe has revealed a series of loopholes that will leave huge areas of justice and home affairs open to EU takeover. At the heart of the Bill is the Government’s so-called Referendum Lock, designed to give British citizens a vote over any proposals for major transfers of power from Westminster to the EU. However, critics say the lock could be “picked by a child” because, as it currently stands, the Bill neglects a huge range of areas where British Ministers will be able to opt into new EU laws without even seeking approval from MPs in Parliament. The 2007 Lisbon Treaty has given the European Commission greater powers to draw up new laws, it has given the European Parliament the power to amend them and the European Court of Justice more power to enforce them. Open Europe wants a series of amendments to the Bill that would force Ministers to get the approval of Parliament before opting into justice and home affairs matters and in certain cases make a referendum obligatory. Author Stephen Booth said: “It would be extremely easy to give Parliament and voters more control over whether the Government concedes more power to the EU in this area. “This is a huge opportunity to make the UK’s cooperation with Europe more democratic and may help rebuild some of the electorate’s confidence in Parliament, so badly lost when the Lisbon Treaty was forced through. “MPs should demand the right to approve the decisions the Government makes in the name of their constituents. The EU’s growing ambitions in justice and home affairs deserve Parliament’s undivided attention. It would be a colossal own-goal for MPs to pass up this golden opportunity.” Open Europe says that the EU Bill, which has already attracted more than 40 amendments, is full of loopholes. For example the Bill says a referendum must be held over whether we should have a European Public Prosecutor, but not over the extension of the powers of Eurojust, a body which at the moment aids prosecutors, magistrates and police across the EU to share information that helps them fight crime. However Brussels bureaucrats are planning to transform it into an organisation that investigates major crime cases, with the power to order arrests and trials. Another loophole exists because the subject of family law has been left out of the requirement in the EU Bill for a referendum to be held before Britain gives up its remaining vetoes over most home affairs and justice issues. The present arrangement on new EU legislation gives the Government three months to decide whether to opt in or out. Opting in allows Ministers to take part in negotiations over the new laws but if the proposal ends up as something with which it does not agree it is unable to opt out again. The EU Bill is seen as an attempt to appease Conservatives on the centre-right following David Cameron’s 2009 U-turn over his promise to hold a referendum over the Lisbon Treaty. But Brussels baiters have branded it a “fig leaf” designed only to spare the Prime Minister’s blushes. And they say it does as much to highlight Westminster’s impotence as it does to boost Parliamentary authority. Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Indpendence Party, said: “The Referendum Lock could be picked by a child. “Designed the way it is, this law makes things less democratic rather than more by handing even more power to the courts. It is marketing without product.” Labour leader Ed Miliband has hinted his MPs may join Tory rebels to defeat the legislation. While the threat is likely to prove hollow, Mr Cameron could ill afford a defeat in an area where his leadership is seen as weak. He failed in his battle to secure a freeze on this year’s European budget and the sight of British money being pumped into an Irish euro bailout has inflamed anti-European sentiment among British voters. The EU Referendum Campaign has already attracted tens of thousands of signatures of support. It has conducted a series of polls which have shown most Britons want the chance to vote in a referendum that will let them decide if we should stay in the EU or leave. Join the crusade with our sister paper the Daily Express to Get Us Out Of Europe. Log on to NEWS
By Kirsty Buchanan, Political Editor
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Sunday, 9 January 2011
Join the crusade with our sister paper the Daily Express to Get Us Out Of Europe. Log on to
Posted by Britannia Radio at 08:09
09.01.11, 7:40am
Dear Editor,, Before posting my message I would like ask You Why cant WE call a National Vote of No Confidence in the Coallition Goverment, and Its yellow belly so called Power? It makes Me and all my freinds sick to the Core seeing this Useless Bunch of Snivelling politions using any excuse to cover up Their incompident running of This Once Proud Nation !
• Posted by: allinajc • Report Comment
09.01.11, 6:55am
The EU strikes again and the gutless weak British MP's who agreed to sign up to the Lisbon Treaty without giving the British people a referendum stating and assuring that the treaty would not affect British law or soveriegnty and now they reap what they have sown.
The EU are taking Britain for a ride and the only party who are trying to protect the British people in yhe corrupt EU are UKIP.
The puppets of Europe BLAIR, BROWN, CAMERON and CLEGG sold this country to the EU in their lust for power under the guise rhat we must be part of the corrupt EU.
The biggest fear of the EU is that Britain leaves, this would spark the collapse of this corrupt, fraudulent and incompetent organisation, let this happen by giving the British people a rederendum. The Briish people want OUT OF THE EU NOW!!!!
• Posted by: JWLS • Report Comment
09.01.11, 6:55am
The EU strikes again and the gutless weak British MP's who agreed to sign up to the Lisbon Treaty without giving the British people a referendum stating and assuring that the treaty would not affect British law or soveriegnty and now they reap what they have sown.
The EU are taking Britain for a ride and the only party who are trying to protect the British people in yhe corrupt EU are UKIP.
The puppets of Europe BLAIR, BROWN, CAMERON and CLEGG sold this country to the EU in their lust for power under the guise rhat we must be part of the corrupt EU.
The biggest fear of the EU is that Britain leaves, this would spark the collapse of this corrupt, fraudulent and incompetent organisation, let this happen by giving the British people a rederendum. The Briish people want OUT OF THE EU NOW!!!!
• Posted by: JWLS • Report Comment
09.01.11, 6:16am
We really must get our act together as a country and back all Eurosceptic MP's and Parties such as UKIP and newspapers such as the Express in order to get the UK out of Europe. The Express has provided leadership and we must do our part too. Let's show the Coalition that enough is enough as we certainly cannot look to them to protect our interests.
• Posted by: GraceI • Report Comment
09.01.11, 5:07am
Give up all say in UK affairs or leave the EU that is the choice.
Make the right choice and leave the Brussels Leeches to their own devices!
• Posted by: Realistic • Report Comment
09.01.11, 12:50am
An excellent article by Kirsty Buchanan.
Merit is absolutely right, and the referendum proposal is just a trick to bind Britain permanently into the EU with a rigged "Yes" vote.
In only 14 hours, we could leave the EU, simply by Repealing the 1972 European Communities Act, leading other countries away from the One World government like a beacon of light, as Merit said---all spearheaded by the magnificent Express Crusade.
We can do it. We only need to open our eyes to new possibilities.
• Posted by: NellieN • Report Comment