Thursday, 13 January 2011

By Paul Craig Roberts

Today the United States has only 11,670,000 manufacturing jobs, less than 9% of total jobs. Yet, despite America’s heavy dependence on foreign manufactures and foreign creditors, the idiots in Washington think that they are a superpower standing astride the world like a colossus. Continue

By Mark Felsenthal

"The age of American predominance is over," he told a panel. "The (Chinese) Yuan will be the world's reserve currency within two decades." Continue

US will respond to Chinese military build-up: The US said at the weekend it would respond to the rapidly-increasing military capabilities of China by building up its own strength in the region.

Government Spending Per Minute: $6.85 Million: The government spends, on average, nearly $7 million every minute. That means the cost-cutting measure yesterday only saved taxpayers enough to cover about five minutes worth of spending - less time than it takes to hold the average congressional vote.

The Tea Party rules Washington as Barack Obama braces for savage cuts: New breed of right-wingers takes over the Capitol with a slash-and-burn agenda that threatens the White House

Bankrupt banks: Florida, Arizona Banks First Ones to Fail in 2011: Regulators shuttered the first two banks to fail this year. The two are the first banks to collapse in 2011, following 157 closures in 2010.

Food stamp applications skyrocket in South Florida: Nearly 1 million South Floridians need food stamps to get by — an increase of almost 200,000 in the last year alone. That jump is more than the entire population of Fort Lauderdale.